For My Mate

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"Go!" Stiles screamed as the hunters advanced. They were out to kill and armed with wolfsbane. Derek hesitated and reluctantly ran to safety behind the pack.
"Emissary." One of the hunters snarled.
"One step closer and you can say goodbye." Stiles said calmly.
"Oh really? What are you going to do? You're just a-" He stepped forward and Stiles had shot his chest before his foot had met the ground. The other hunters gathered around him after he fell with a thud.

Stiles ran.

Away from the pack.

He ran away from the hunters that would want to kill him, but he'd done what he had to and what he did was right.

Three days later, the whole pack and some friends were still searching for Stiles. Not only was he their emissary, but he was like a brother to some and he was needed to keep everyone sane.

"Stiles?" Derek called when the scent disappeared. The other wolves were spread out throughout the woods surrounding their house. The scent had led him to an old warehouse, full of plastic dividers and pipes running along the walls. Instead of Stiles' scent, he caught one that was familiar but he couldn't put a name on it.

He smelt it too late.

"Tell me where he is." A gun was against his temple and Chris Argent, the leader of the hunters that had recently attacked them, was stood in front of him.
"Where who is?" Derek asked, his height making him look down and Chris look up. The gun didn't scare him.
"Don't screw with me." Chris growled. "Your emissary, the Stilinski kid. He killed one of our men the other night."
"Your men attacked my pack. They broke the code. He did what he had to do to protect us." Derek spat.
"It doesn't matter. A life for a life. That's how we live. He killed on of ours, we kill on of yours. So tell me where he is." Chris said calmly.
"If you want one of us then kill me, Chris, because you're not getting anywhere near Stiles." Derek moved his face closer to Chris, daring him.
"You'd really die for some kid?" He was looking at Derek as if he was stupid.
"For my mate."
"Well, a life is a life." Chris pulled the trigger.

Stiles ran into the warehouse, the one he'd heard the gunshot in.
"Derek?" He whispered when he saw the body laying on the floor, it's head resting in a pool of blood. "No..." He cried, rushing over to his mate.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2017 ⏰

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