Touché Little Brother

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Stiles' POV

"Come on Der. They'll be home soon." I whined as I tried to drag Derek up the stairs. So far, I had been unsuccessful. "Please?" I gave him the puppy dog eyes I know he can't resist. He shook his head slightly.
"Fine." He started walking up the stairs, making me fall backwards because I was still using my whole body to try and drag him up. "You're going to damage your ass." Derek laughed and I stuck my tongue out at him. When I got into my room, he was already lying on my bed. I pulled out my maths homework and handed it to him. He was supposed to be helping me. I climbed onto the bed next to him and he wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer to his chest.
"Stiles." He laughed.
"This is so wrong." He was still laughing. "There are so many mistakes." It just seemed to get funnier and funnier for him.
"Stop laughing." I demanded, poking him in the ribs, making him squirm. I didn't again and he half snorted. "You're ticklish!" I almost screamed in excitement.
"Stop... It!" He gasped in between bursts of laughter. "They're... Back..."
"Aw..." I pouted as I stopped tickling him. "Bye Sourwolf." I pecked him on the lips before he jumped out of my window.

"Hey Dean!" I yelled as I sprinted down the stairs. I hadn't seen my brothers for two days.
"Hey Stiles." Both of them smiled.
"Now, let's start with bad news." Dean frowned in my direction and I didn't really understand what he was on about.
"What bad news?" I asked.
"Stiles, anything you wanna tell us?" Sam asked.
"Nothing comes to mind." I furrowed my eyebrows in thought.
"Not even dates with Derek Hale?" Sam raised his eyebrows at me.
"He might as well have left paw prints leading to your room." Dean stated.
"Does that mean Cas leaves wing clippings in your room?" I retorted.
"Touché, little brother." Dean concluded.

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