Hell Hound

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Stiles' POV

I sat on the sofa in Derek and I's house, thinking about the situation we'd gotten into with Jordan Parrish, when there was a knock on the door. I wasn't expecting to see Derek for at least another twenty four hours, so I had no clue who was at the door.

"Dean?" I asked, slightly surprised my oldest brother had come round. "Come in." I ushered him inside and into the living room. I returned to my seat on the sofa and he sat in the armchair across from me.
"How are you?" He asked.
"Why are you here?" I got straight to the point; Dean only visits if there's something important he wants to say face to face.
"Maybe I just stopped by to visit my youngest brother out of the goodness of my heart." He lied.
"That's more of a Sam move. You prefer to just text or occasionally call."
"Maybe I wanted to see how you and Derek were going." He lied, again. He needs to get out of that habit. I shook my head slightly.
"You hate the fact that I'm dating Derek." That was why I'd moved out- Dean and Sam weren't exactly accepting of my werewolf boyfriend.
"Okay," He growled, giving up. "Lydia called and informed me about this beast/hellhound thing." I nodded my head, knowing he was no longer lying.
"I wasn't even aware you two spoke," I started. "But, yeah, we could use some help with that."

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