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Stiles had taken Dean to see his werewolf boyfriend, Derek. Dean didn't understand why Stiles spoke so highly of him. Yes, he might be amazing, but it wasn't like he was an angel or, just overall, hot.
"Why tonight?" Dean whined.
"Because we're all free." Stiles replied.
"But Cas is coming back tonight."
"Lucky you, but you're not allowed to see Cas until you've seen this."
"Why not Sam?"
"Because Sam's seen him."
"Ugh." Dean huffed as the two brothers stood in the cold and waited in the dark.

A wolf appeared in front of them, it's fur as black as the shadows surrounding them, it's eyes a beautiful electric blue.
"What's this?"
"Okay, so he turns into a full wolf if he wants to. Is that supposed to impress me." Dean was severely bored, desperate to see his beloved Cas.
"That's not even close to impressive." Stiles laughed. "Derek?" The wolf in front of them shifted into a man wearing only boxers. His whole body was completely toned and... Drop. Dead. Gorgeous. Dean snapped his mouth shut after realising it was nearly hitting the floor.
"Hey..." Derek breathed.
"What the hell is that?" Dean cried.
"Dean, meet Impressive." Stiles laughed.
"Is that even legal?" Dean continued to cry.

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