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Stiles growled when he saw Sam walk into the kitchen.
"What's up?" Dean asked whilst Sam was out of earshot.
"He shot Derek."
"He shot Derek." Stiles repeated, his eyes never leaving Sam.
"With what?"
"Luckily, it was a normal bullet."
"Quit giving me a pouty face, Stiles." Sam frowned as he walked into the living room.
"I'm not giving you a pouty face. This is my 'you're an asshole' face."
"How am I the asshole?" Sam asked and Stiles nearly laughed.
"Seriously? You shot my boyfriend, Sam!"
"It was an accident! Besides, he's fine now. There's not even a scar."
"How do you accidentally shoot someone?" Stiles raised his eyebrows. "And how come it just happened to be my werewolf boyfriend that you shot?"
"Just be happy he's accident prone and it wasn't you." Sam stated.
"But he's not accident prone! I am!" Stiles laughed at how ridiculous Sam was being.
"He has a point." Dean stated, siding with Stiles.
"Well, I- I... Ugh! Fine... I shot Derek on purpose." Sam looked defeated. Stiles smiled victoriously.
"You should just be happy he's a werewolf." Stiles laughed before running back to his room where Derek was sat on his bed waiting.
"But that's why I shot him!" Sam yelled, coming up the stairs after Stiles. "You know what? I'm not coming in because I know he's there, isn't he? You're lucky I don't have my gun, Hale!" He yelled, going back down the stairs as Stiles and Derek laughed against each others' lips.

I've lost the pic for this but will try and find it asap.

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