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Stiles' POV

We were sat, waiting for Scott whilst we ate the takeout. It was mostly silent, but every now and then, Rafael would ask us a few random questions or Derek would ask him about his job as an FBI agent. Stiles tried to stay out of the conversation for two reasons. One; the food was really good and two; he didn't really like Derek. Well, he did, but he tried not to.

Stiles and Derek kept on glancing at each other and Stiles looked over to Rafael. The older man raised his eyebrows at Stiles and glanced towards Derek, who was shovelling noodles into his mouth.
"Are you-" He started quietly.
"Oh no, we're not together. We're not a couple. We're definitely not a couple." Stiles made sure any thoughts Rafael was having were corrected. The older boy looked over at Derek who was frowning at him.
"You seem pretty insulted by that." Derek stated and Stiles shook his head. Derek liked Stiles- like, like like- but Stiles had shut him down. "What? I'm not good enough for you?"
"We are not having this conversation again." Stiles frowned at Derek, before glaring at Rafael for starting their argument again.

Sorry, this is so short. It's only 199 words- the shortest yet. :(

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