Pumpkin Carving

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"Let's get this one, daddy!" Theo dragged Stiles towards a large pumpkin.
"Okay but we'll have to get dad to carry it." Stiles glared at Derek who was looking rather fed up with their search for the perfect pumpkin.
"Come on dad!" Theo jumped up and down impatiently because he was desperate to have the best pumpkin in the neighbourhood. Derek picked the pumpkin up with ease and took it back to the entrance where Stiles paid for it.

When they got home, their nine year old was jumping up and down with excitement.
"Before we carve it, you need a bath and dinner." Stiles pushed Theo towards the kitchen.
"No fair."
"It's totally fair."

As Theo ate, Stiles admired their child. He had Stiles' moles and nose, but he had Derek's strong build and dark hair. For nine, he was rather tall- something he'd gotten from Derek- and was very intelligent- something he'd gotten from Stiles.

"Can we carve it now?" Theo huffed as he slipped into his pyjamas.
"Yes." Stiles smiled. Derek was sat on the living room floor, the pumpkin and a knife laid out in front of him. He picked it up when the other two walked in. Stiles lifted Theo onto his shoulders and knelt behind Derek so they had a similar view to Derek. Stiles wrapped one arm around Derek's neck loosely and propped his head up with his hand, his elbow resting on Derek's shoulder.

Half an hour later, Theo was snoozing on top of Stiles' head and Derek was half way through his masterpiece.
"Make sure it looks scary, Der." Stiles said softly.
"Shut up." Derek grunted. The masterpiece was already scary and it was only half done.

Another half an hour later, Derek moved back slightly to admire his work. Theo was still asleep on Stiles' head and Stiles had fallen asleep, his head still resting on his hand. Derek smiled at how perfect his family was to him and how perfect the moment was.

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