III. Taking Charge

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Why did he even care? It's not like we were close or anything?

Maybe he just cared about you.

Come on. When have you ever met someone who just 'cares?'

When I met you.


2-3 months into the outbreak

"Guns? Those who have them," I asked the group of survivors. Two I 's echoed through the mountain side as the group answered.

"Where the hell did you get a gun Dixon?" T-dog spat.

"Old man said I should have it," Merle smirked eyeing the shotgum with admiration.

"You sure about that Dale?" I asked immediately turning around towards the Rv behind us. "You already leant us your tools."

"What happens when a geek walks upon the camp?" Andrea said.

"There hasn't been any sightings. You all need it more than we do," Dale shrugged.

"Thank you," I smiled before turning back towards the group. "Silent weapons?"

Four I 's filled the air each coming from a different person, T-dog, Jacqui, Morales, and Glenn. Nodding my head I checked off everyone's name and checked off mine twice. Since I had both a gun, desert eagle, and a silent weapon, machete. I was the only one in the group with both.

"Okay that's everything. Go say goodbye to your family, friends," I said throwing the clip board into the back seat of the van.

"We leave in fifteen!" Glenn yelled over the leaving bodies. Sighing as no one cast him a second glance Glenn leaned against the van. Throwing his head back Glenn starred at the yellow sun above.

"You know I was supposed to be the group leader," Glenn mumbled.

"I know," I said back copying his actions. "Do you want the position back?"

"No, they listen to you better," Glenn said turning away from the sun. "Why is that?" He asked squinting in my direction.

"Age I guess," I shrugged.

"I'm like three years older than you! You're nineteen i'm twenty-two."

"Eighteen," I corrected. "Unless Andrea's calculations are right I should be nineteen in about a month now."

"Happy birthday!" He cheered sarcastically.

"Look around Glenn. We're the youngest members of the group excluding the kids. Everyone looks down on us because of our age," I shrugged.

"They don't look down on you," he mumbled.

"Not anymore. We have to show them that we're not just two mindless kids. Speak your mind, take charge. You'll earn their respect."

Glenn nodded and turned away from me. "You know what?"

"Hm?" I asked pushing my hands into the pockets of my black jacket.

"I think that's the most you've ever talked to me," Glenn smiled.

Pausing I starred at Glenn. What was he too me? A friend? Partner? Or just another group member. No matter what he was I cared for him. More than I planned on caring for anyone. In this world anyone could be snatched away from you in a blink of an eye. He would be snatched from me never to be seen again. I refused to show that I cared for him. Maybe then it'll be easier when he goes.

So I push them all away. This is how i'll live for now on. The only way to live. By making sure nothing can hurt you.

"Yea, I guess it is," I mumbled pushing myself off of the van.

"Where are you going!" Glenn yelled from behind me.

"I'm not leaving Glenn," I yelled back. "I need to say goodbye to someone," I mumbled.

Passing the Ed, Carol, and the other women I didn't spare a 'hello' or 'how are you doing.' It's not that I didn't like the women, but I had no interest in their conversations about men, things they miss from when things were normal, and Lori's dead husband. She'd often tell romantic stories about the two of them from when he proposed, when Carl was born, and classic dates. I was the only one who knew the truth that she'd put to the back of her mind.

Slipping my hands into my pockets I ignored the women who threw me a small glance. Walking down to the quarry I passed boulders, a couple of trees, and a few stray tents.

The water had a new shimmer to it today. Infact everything seemed brighter today. Maybe that's a sign that something really good is about to happen or something terribly bad. Putting the thoughts to the back of my head I walked to the two children playing in the water.

"Hey girls!" I yelled over the splash of water.

"Ama!" Amay yelled running towards me with Sophia right on her heels. She smiled and wrapped her arms around my waist. I smiled down at my sister and returned the hug. She had gone through quite the change since this all started. Amay had grown two inches so far temporarily leaving her at 5'2. Her hair had grown longer down her back and her darkened skin tone had become a shade darker due to the sun beating down on us every second.

"Hi Sophia," I smiled at the younger girl.

"Hi," she smiled shyly squeezing onto her teddy bear.

"Amay i'm leaving soon and wanted to say goodbye," I said squatting down to her level.

"Are you going to the place Shane said yesterday? Atlanta?" She asked.

"Uh, yea," I nodded.

"Can I come?" She asked hopefully.

"I'm sorry baby, you cant," I said with a slight frown.

"Why?" she frowned.

"Remember those things that were there last time we visited Atlanta?" I asked grasping her hands. Amay immediately nodded and deepened her frown.

"There still there?"

"Yea baby, they are," I said.

"Aren't they dangerous?" She asked with worried expression.

"Yea, but i'll be okay. I have Glenn, Andrea, Merle, Morales, T-dog, and Jacqui," I smiled.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

Turning my head I caught sight of the group. A few of them were laughing while others seemed to discuss important business.

"You know what? I think I am."


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