X. Woo-hoo

64 4 0

They actually did that!

Yea, it was crazy.

Damn! That's badass!


"Hey, what's happening man?" Merle asked.

Bodies were bodies. Moving or not, they were bodies. Living, breathing bodies, and if anything happened to them it would be over for all of us.

Two bodies walked the street, but these weren't any ordinary bodies. They were alive, not dead. At least...for now.

"Hey T-dog, try that C.B," Morales said walking away from the ledge.

"Hey, come on! Talk to me y'all. " Merle spat.

"Base, this is T-dog. Can anybody here me?" He tries again.

"Where are they?" Morales asks.

"There." I point out in the sea of walkers.

"Those clouds don't look good," Andrea mumbled.

My eyes followed after her words only then did I notice the crowded sky above. Darkened clouds moved above us and only a small partway could be seen in the west.

"That asshole is out on the street with the handcuff keys?" Merle asked selfishly.

Just then I hear a small ching that I assumed were the keys Rick had given T-dog before departuring with Glenn.

"Hello? Hello? Receptions bad on this end. Repeat?"

As if on cue the group immediately turned towards the voice. It was Dale.

"Shane is that you?" T-dog asked not recognizing his voice. "We're in some deep shit. We're trapped in the department store."

"T-dog repeat that last-"
Dale was suddenly cut of by the sound of thunder echoing in the city.

"Shit! Radio stopped working," T-dog informed.

I looked up to the sky again this time my eyes met a single rain drop. Fear struck through me as more followed leading to a downpour.

"Hell!" I spat.

"The guts are falling off!" Andrea cried.

Looking down I quickly located the men. Guts and matter littered behind them as they both tried to keep undercover.

"Oh man. It's just a cloudburst. We get 'em all the time. It'll pass real quick," Morales comforted.

"It's washing the matter off," I stated.

Rick then lifts his axe and lands it right on a walkers skull sending the corspe sprawling to the side. Glenn and Rick proceed to break out to a run towards the trucks while killing the few walkers infront of the them. The whole group watches as Rick kills six with the axe and Glenn kills two with a crowbar.

As they make it to the gate they throw their weapons over and start to climb. Glenn immediately jumped over the blockage while Rick somewhat lagged behind.

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