V. Hello

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Whatever is left of the world, before this. We have to hold onto no matter what! We can't let things go this easily!

It's not up to us. The worlds gonna change no matter if we want it or not. That's just how things are now. Ya know with all the geeks and everything.

I don't want it to end this way.

It wont. Not for you at least. You'll out live us all Ama.


"Andrea!" I yelled bursting through the roofs door.

"What's wrong?" Glenn asked pushing past me.

"There's someone down there," Andrea replied.

"What?" I asked in confusion.

"Some dude, he walked into the town on a horse," T-dog answered.

Continuing forward I trailed behind Glenn. After him I walked around the pipes centered in the middle of the roof. We quickened our pace as a gun shot echoed through the Atlanta streets. Standing behind the group I squatted down between Andrea and Jacqui.

"Here," Andrea said handing me binoculars.

I quickly placed them over my eyes. I was shocked to see they were right. There was indeed a man, but he wasn't on a horse. That question seemed to not haunt me long as my eyes caught sight of geeks feasting on the innocent animal. My eyes didn't stay on him long as I turned my attention back on the man. Although from afar I couldn't make out every feature, but I could tell he was caucasian with brown hair.

The man had ran towards an abandoned tank. Frantically he fired towards the geeks. Only taking two down he was quickly overpowered and pushed onto the street.

"No," Jacqui mumbled.

We all watched as he crawled under the tank. A minute after he left our line of sight two gasps left group members mouths as a gunshot rung through our ears.

"He's gone," I mumbled removing the binoculars from my face.

"Wait," Glenn said quickly scrambling over to Dales' tool bag.

"What?" Andrea asked.

"Dale teached me to use one of these," Glenn replied pulling out a radio. "And if I remember right," he mumbled pressing a few buttons. "There," he smiled proudly.

"What'd you do?" I asked moving towards him.

"If he's still alive then maybe I can contact him," Glenn said.

"That's a big if," T-dog commented.

"It's worth a try," Jacqui said.

"The geeks we'll be right outside," Andrea spoke.

"I agree with Jacqui we should at least try," Morales added.

The group continued to bicker whether or not if we should save the mystery man. What's the point of contacting a dead man? But what's there to lose? Nothing. If he doesn't answer no harm done, but if he does what do we do? Tell him where we are? What if he's a psycho path? It sure seemed that way as he walked into Atlanta without a care in the world. I shouldn't let that cloud my judgement he's still a human being. Us humans, the one's that are left, need to stick together. We're all each other has now.

"Do it," I said above everyone else.

"What?" Glenn asked in shock.

"If he's still alive down there then we'd be saving a life. If not no harm done right?" I answered.

"She's right," Morales commented.

"Why the hell are we sticking our necks out for some idiot on a horse!?" Merle spat.

"Because one day you could be that idiot," T-dog replied.

"Wouldn't you want us to help you," I added.

Merle immediately closed his mouth and turned away from the group.

"Better hurry before they run out of that appetizer and go after the main course," Merle said.

"Okay, here goes," Glenn mumbled before pressing a button on the side of the radio.

Shakily moving the radio to his mouth Glenn opened his lips.

"Hey you. Dumbass. Yeah, you in the tank. Cozy in there?" Glenn joked.

Time seemed to slow down as we waited for a reply. Just a I was about to lose hope a voice answered back.

"Hello? Hello?"


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