IV. No more Squirrel

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You were talking about him days after his arrival.

Because I couldn't get it out of my head.

You mean you couldn't get 'him' out of your head.

Be quiet and listen!

Sorry, babe


2-3 months into the outbreak

In and out. The concept is simple, you get in then you get out as quiet as possible. The key is not to get caught. It's the rule, the law, the way of life when it comes to scavenging.

The concept was easy when it came to Glenn and I alone, but now that we have seven people it became 100 percent more difficult. Especially since half our team has never been on a run.

"What'd you do?"


"Before all of this. What'd you do?" I said turning to face him.

He immediately blushed and turned away from me. "Uh," he mumbled.

"Come on, it can't be that bad," I smiled.

He paused and adjusted the baseball cap on his head. "Pizza delivery boy."

I laughed causing him to crack a smile. "Boy?"

"Yea, I was the youngest one there," he stated. "What about you?"

"Fast food worker," I stated simply.

"And mine was embarrassing," Glenn joked rolling his eyes.

"Yea, you're right," I laughed.

"What's wrong?" Glenn asked suddenly.

"What do you mean?" I asked fiddling with my machete.

"We're sitting here, starring at two glass doors and a few stray geeks," Glenn shrugged. "Plus you're actually having a conversation with me."

I paused and placed my machete on the tiled floor. "Maybe i'm finally warming up to you."

"Yea right. If you're worried about something you know you can tell me right?" Glenn smiled.

"Yea, Glenn," I said giving his shoulder a reassuring squeeze. Nodding to myself I soon stood up. Grabbing my machete I turned my back on the few monsters two glass doors away from us. "We should probably start packing some of this stuff up. Before it gets to dark," I suggested.

"Yea," Glenn mumbled.

I still remembered myself before all of this. I smiled at the memory. I was more sociable, caring, and you never caught me with out a smile. Except for when I was at home or those last days before all of this started. I've changed since then, drastically. I can't even keep up a conversation without walking away with my head down. Glenn's been there for me since the beginning, yet I treat him like dirt. That's not me. This isn't me. Should I open up to him? It's not like he hasn't been trying to get to know me. What's the worst that could happen? I could lose him forever. Then where would I be? Back to square one. I'm not willing to have me heart broken just because I got close to someone. But, I want to get close to him. To share a good laugh again. To have one of those deep hearted conversations. But why can't I get close to you? Why can't I open up to you? I don't want you to leave. Yet, i'm pushing you away. I can't live like this. For however long I have left wouldn't I rather be smiling than alone?

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