Chapter Thirty-Six - Plan in Motion

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"That's it! I can't take it anymore!"

Mark lies upside down on the couch in the break room, his feet in the air and his fingers in his hair. Marzia and Felix sit nearby, watching him with a sort of pity in their eyes.

"What did I tell you earlier, Mark?" Marzia asks gently.

The American sighs. "That if I want answers, I should go and get them."

"Yes, so why are you just lying there upside down?"

"Don't sass me and be cute at the same time, Marzia."

Felix snorts. The Italian girl smiles lightly and leans against the Swede, their eyes never wandering from Mark. The red-haired hero flips himself over, standing up from the couch and starting to pace back and forth.

"Next mission. That's when I'll find him," he concludes.

Felix nods. "Good idea."

Mark sits back down on the couch, staring up at the ceiling and twiddling his thumbs.

"Why don't you go home, Mark?" Marzia asks. "We've got nothing to do and you spend a lot of your time at Curatrix."

The American glances at her and shrugs. "The only thing I have at home is Chica. You and Felix live together, Matthias and Ken are both married, and Phil has a roommate that we don't know. I don't have human companionship."

"I'm sorry, Mark." She smiles sadly. "But really, you should head home. Get some rest, distract yourself from your thoughts of Jack, do what you need."

Mark nods. Maybe going home is a good idea.

Cry storms into his dad's office, his mask barely hiding the anger that floods off of him. "What the hell?!"

The boss looks up, startled for a moment before he realizes who's standing in front of him. "Welcome back, son."

"What did you do to the other villains!?" he exclaims, making wide gestures with his arms. "Why would you take out your anger on them?! It's not their fault!"

The boss maintains his cool exterior as he watches his son. "They failed to help you, and it led to your capture. All of them have paid a small price for you and Seán."

Cry crosses his arms tightly over his chest. "It was unnecessary. We escaped."

"Son, you'll understand when you're in charge. For now, it's time to set our ultimate plan into action. Now that you and Seán are back, the Institute can show the world what we truly are."

Cry freezes. "That plan is supposed to be put into action two years from now. We aren't ready."

The boss shakes his head. "I am tired, son. My disease is only getting worse and without me, it will never take off. I have assigned Matthew to the task of making the announcement because none of the heroes have actually seen him. The rest of you are certainly powerful enough to do what is needed."

The masked villain allows his arms to fall to his sides. Fighting with his father is pointless now. When his mind is set, his mind is set. With a sigh, he allows his head to droop.

"Should I tell the others?"

"No. When they see the announcement air on every screen in the city, they will know that it is time. I have given them all the information they need about the plan," the boss replies.

Cry nods and turns on his heel, heading out of the office. As soon as he's far enough away, he slumps against the wall and slides to the ground, his face in his hands. 

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