Chapter Forty-Eight - Stage Three Complete

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Jack watches with amazement as Mark dashes to the vehicles and back, hauling more and more injured people away despite the imminent danger. The other heroes help, but there are far too many people and far too few of them.

Don't they have a water hero? Jack wonders, glancing around. His eyes land on Phil being cornered by Stephanie and a long sigh escapes his lips. Of course.

The first of the vehicles finally explodes, sending a wave of heat and hot metal flying all around it. The explosion causes the nearby vehicles to blow as well, and before he knows it every single car is a fiery mess. Jack watches with a strange sort of fascination as the heroes who were knocked down pick themselves back up, dusting themselves off with clenched teeth. Bodies of people who were sitting too close lie on the street with limbs and parts of them missing, their blood soaking into the concrete. It's the kind of horror that Jack has seen so often, but never gets used to. Every single time, it's just as jarring as the first.

His thoughts are interrupted by a strong arm dragging him back and pinning him against a building, a gun pressed against the side of his head and his free arm against the villain's throat. Jack struggles, kicking his feet hopelessly as he's lifted from the ground. His captor is too tall to be Mark and too strong to be a regular cop, so who could it be? He stops fighting for long enough to get a good look at Wade, who glares daggers at him.

"Let me go!" he yells, kicking and punching to no avail.

"You know where our base is and you rejected our offer to become an anti-hero," Wade replies, his voice frighteningly calm. "We don't like killing other supers, but we have to if it maintains the safety of our operation."

Jack swallows, an all too familiar panic rising in his chest. He can't die. This isn't how it's supposed to happen! Anti's laugh rings through his head as he squeezes his eyes shut, trying his hardest not to scream. The metal of Wade's gun grows colder against his temple as the anti-hero's finger moves to the trigger.

Come on, Jack. Let me out. You won't die if I'm free.

"Leave me alone!" the Irishman yells, doing everything in his power to get away. He may be fast, but Wade is three times as strong. With teeth clenched, the villain does what he has to do. With one swift movement, he raises his elbow and brings it smashing down on Wade's arm, snapping the bone clean in half.

The anti-hero doesn't even blink as he looks down at his arm, the bone melding together like hot wax. Jack's eyes widen as he watches the limb return to normal before he looks back at Wade, the anti-hero's glare like poison.

"That was rude," he states.

"H-how the-" Jack stammers, but Wade interrupts him.

"Regenerative limbs. Now, enough talk." He presses the gun a little harder against the villain's head, his eyes flickering with sympathy for a moment. "I have to do this."

"No, you don't." Jack's voice grows to a plea as he presses his hands against the wall behind him. Anti's laughter grows more fervent in his head, causing his anxiety to rise. "Wade, you don't know me that well, but please don't do this! You're a nice guy, you don't have to become a murderer."

The anti-hero lifts his finger to the trigger with hesitance, but before he can pull it he gets knocked aside by an outside force. Jack crumples to the ground, gasping for breath as Wade's arm leaves his throat. He lifts his head, watching Mark and Wade tussle like feral cats.

"Don't lay a finger on him!" Mark exclaims, gripping a handful of Wade's suit.

"My operation is in danger because of him!" Wade replies in a strained voice. "I have orders!"

"Well, too bad!" Mark snarls. "Go. Leave him alone."

The hero shoves Wade backwards, sending the anti-hero away. Jack grits his teeth and shuts his eyes as Anti screams in his head.

"Jack, Jack, are you okay?" Mark asks, crouching beside the villain.

The Irishman shakes his head, making a weak gesture towards his head.

A look of realization passes over the hero's face. "Anti?"

Jack nods. "I'll... be fine. But they can hear us. Over the earpieces. You gotta go."

Mark reaches up, his fingers brushing the tech in his ear. With a pained look in his eye, he turns on his heel and runs. Jack watches him go before pulling himself to his feet, shaking his head. Anti's voice dies down with the anxious knot in his chest, allowing the villain to return to the scene of the crime more stable than before.

Jack didn't think it could get worse, but apparently it can. Military helicopters lower to the ground, their blades cutting through the air like swords. Men in uniforms jump out with guns in hand, firing at any villains or anti-heroes they can see. Jack dodges a bullet at supersonic speeds and whistles. If he hadn't been paying attention, he would have a hole in his brain.

"Your work here is done. Get out now," Matthew orders into the earpieces. An explosion sounds in the background. "There goes the anti-hero headquarters! Stage three is officially complete!"

Jack scans the area, noticing the anti-heroes pulling out their earpieces with shock written on their faces. Danny and Arin mouth the word "Bob" to each other before racing off, yelling for the others.

Dan stands a ways ahead of Jack, motioning for him to follow. "Come on, mate, let's get back! I'm tired."

The Irishman nods and takes a step after him, but freezes as a bullet blows through the side of his best friend's brain. 

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