Chapter Forty-Six - Departures

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Mark's alarm shatters the calm stillness of the room, effectively pulling both supers from their slumber. The hero smacks the snooze button and groans, running a hand down his face.  Jack stirs beside him, his eyes opening. 

"You really have to go to work this early?" he mumbles, his morning voice much deeper than his regular voice.

"Yeah." Mark sighs heavily, resting his hand on his stomach. "Stuff to do, people to save. All that fun stuff."

Jack makes a sound of protest and presses himself closer to Mark's side. When the hero tries to get up, the Irishman grips his wrist.

"Please don't leave me," he pleads, his blue eye locked on Mark's brown ones.

"Jack..." The American seems to crumble beneath the villain's gaze, his resolution falling to pieces as he sinks back into the bed. "I need to go to work..."

"Just stay for a moment. I'm begging you." The Irishman's voice falters. "Bad things are coming. Really bad things. I want to say that I'm sorry."

Mark places a hand on the back of Jack's head and presses a kiss to his forehead. The thought of the villain, who's so gentle and sweet, being forced to do horrible things makes his stomach twist. He wants to save him, like a good hero should, but he can't. It's one of the most infuriating feelings in the world.

"I don't blame you, Jack," Mark whispers, his lips brushing against the Irishman's temple. "I never have."

With that, the hero gets out of bed and enters the ensuite, closing the door behind him. Ten minutes later, he emerges in a hoodie and jeans, as well as freshly washed hair. Jack stands beside the bed, adjusting his eyepatch.

"I'm guessing you'll get in trouble if you don't go soon," Mark says, frowning a little.

Jack nods a little as he fiddles with the sleeves of his suit. The hero takes a step towards him and wraps his arms around the Irishman, sighing deeply. Without a moment of hesitation, Jack hugs back and buries his face in Mark's shoulder.

"I want it to be over, Mark," the villain mumbles. "I don't want to hurt people anymore."

"I know, I know," the hero replies. "Everything will be okay eventually."

Jack gives a little half-nod and lets his hands fall to his side. Mark places a gentle hand against his jaw and the Irishman does everything in his power not to lean into it.

"I have to go," he says softly.

Mark drops his hand to his side and takes a step back, nodding in a forlorn sort of way. The two don't speak as they head down the stairs and onto the front step of the house. A gust of wind passes, rustling Jack's hair and causing a couple strands to sway in front of his visible eye. Mark focuses all of his energy on keeping his arm pinned at his side, willing himself not to brush them away.

"Bye," the hero whispers.

Jack smiles a little at him. "Bye."

With that, he races away at the speed of light.

Jack reaches his bedroom and drops into his desk seconds before Dan barges in.

"Oh, you're here now," he says, sounding surprised. "I checked earlier and you were nowhere to be-" He cuts himself off, a look of realization passing over his face. "You did not."

The Irishman eyes him. "What?"

"You look well-rested. That means you went to Mark's."

"You will tell no one."

Dan crosses his arms over his chest. "I won't, but really? You run a huge risk doing that, mate."

"I don't really care." Jack shrugs. "I'd rather risk it than stay awake all night over here."

The Brit watches him for a minute before breaking into a grin. "You do look a bit less like a corpse now."

"Aww, thanks. You're so sweet," the Irishman replies, slugging him playfully in the arm.

Dan laughs, a genuine twinkle in his eye. "I know, right? I'm like a ball of sugar."

Their goofing off is interrupted by an alarm that rings throughout the institute and calls them to action. Dan and Jack glance at each other momentarily before leaving the room, already wearing their suits.

Cry races up to them and hands them each a very full backpack. "Stage three, guys. This is it. If we do this and succeed, the New Age Institute wins."

"Christ," Dan mutters, lifting the bag over his shoulder with a little difficulty. "What's in these?"

"A whole lot of explosives." Cry shoulders his own bag and sighs heavily. "Come on."

Jack and Dan eye each other as they carry their bags towards the exit. From their hidden entrance, the Irishman can see the wheels of a massive black van with no windows.

"We had to take the sketchiest van possible, huh?" Dan asks, voicing Jack's exact thoughts.

"Inconspicuous. That's the word you're looking for," Cry answers without glancing over.

The three villains head out into the street, pulling open the door of the van and loading up their bags. Stephanie sits in the driver's seat, drumming her fingers on the wheel and watching the boys.

"We don't have a lot of time," she comments.

Cry hops into the passenger seat and slams the door shut. "I know. Let's get moving."

Jack and Dan climb into the passenger seats and Stephanie drives off, the wheels kicking up stones as they go.

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