Element 1

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Bianca's POV

We start Monday till we go to our new school. Yay!! (Note the sarcasm). This is the third time we had to move. Why?? Because the other schools before didn't work well with us. The first school we got expelled from Chloe burning the science and English hall. The second school was because Stuti had to get into a fight between a jock. Ugh! She can be stupid sometimes.

"HELL NO!!" Alright. Here goes Stuti yelling at us.

"What now!! Chloe you better not of set fire to Stuti's bedroom!!" I said with annoyance. 

"No. I did not. I'm trying to force her to put on this dress I bought in forever 21. " Chloe replied.
I'm telling you the truth that Stuti. Hates wearing dresses.

"Chloe you know she hates dresses."

"Than what am I going to do with this. It doesn't fit me nor Danah."

I just rolled my eyes and went straight to my room. My uncle won't be home till midnight and right now it's 5:32pm. We moved to this small house that we were able to afford, now we go to Lake Wind high school. This is our second semester so we probably miss a lot. We'll be the new kids and being the new kid I'll be the shyest girl there. I don't talk much after 'that' happened. I'm more comfortable with my best friends but mostly my uncle. I can trust him, he never blamed me. Unlike my other uncle---

"BIANCA!! PIZZA!!" Danah yelled.

Hell yeah. I ran down the stairs and took 2 pizzas. You should know that I eat like a bird. Always pecking my food.
"So should we go get some school supplies today??" Danah asked.

"What's today. Saturday?? Yeah I guess we should. Right after I'm done eating" Chloe said.

"But what about Benny??" I asked.

"I'm sure he won't mind if we take a couple bucks from his wallet." Stuti said.

I just nodded my head and continued eating. Danah turned on the tv and put American horror story.

"Their stupid. They should know to never go towards the noise!!" Chloe complained.

"And not go to the woods...." Danah added.

After 2 hours of the show, we got ready and headed to the store. We don't have car, only Benny but he took it with him so we walked to Walmart.
"Let's spread out than meet back here in one hour!!" Chloe said. We all agreed and went our own ways.
I got all I need but still had 15 minutes left so I headed to the clothing area. I just looked around and saw lots of cat memes.

When was this out??

Do they have a size small!??

I wonder if they have it in color purple....

Do I even have enough money??

Oh!! This is cute!!

I hadn't realize it's been more than 15 minutes and my friends are probably worrying about me. I ran across the store and found them standing and looking around.
"Hey guys!! I'm sorry. I lost track of time!! Forgive me!!" I ranted on.

I really don't like it when people are mad at me. I don't even know if their mad at me!! They could be...oh no. I'm a horrible friend!!---


  My thoughts were interrupted by Stuti screaming my name.

"Calm down...its fine. Let's go pay."
I nodded and purchased my stuff.
After that we went straight home with loads of bags around us. It is now 8:42pm and still no uncle. We opened the door and headed straight to our rooms.

After setting my school stuff out, i get out my iPod and put ride from Somo. I don't like to lyrics, it's dirty but I love the tune of the song.

I'm gon' ride, I'm gon' ride
I'm gon' ride, I'm, I'm gon' ride on you baby
On you lady, all night, all night!

I'm gonna take care of your body,
I'll be gentle, don't you scream

Getting hotter, make it softer,
Feel your chest on top of me.

I'm gon' ride, I'm gon' ride
I'm gon' ride, I'm, I'm gon' ride on you baby
On you lady, all night, all night!

I'm gon' make you feel that loving,
Getting weak all in your knees.

Kiss your body from the tip-top,
All the way down to your feet!

Ew....never mind. Just listen to the tune.
I changed to my pjs which is a black tank top with baggy pants. I got out my phone to text Benny that we're home and we locked all the doors. He replayed with an ok with hearts which means love you. I say love you too and turn everything off. I let darkness take over with one thought.

Tomorrow is another day.....

Thanks for reading, I hope you like it. My next published chapter will be January 25. Cya next time. Kisses.

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