Element 5

66 1 1

Chloe's POV

Ugh! That asshole!! How dare he treat her like that. Pay for it?? We can barley afford our house.

"Hey! Don't you think that was rude!!" Stuti yelled at the blond kid.

"Who cares, she should've watch where she was going."

"Bullshit. You should never treat a girl that way. "

"Get lost, shortie."

Stuti stopped at her tracks with an emotionless face but me and danah can tell she is very pissed off right now.

"Stuti, don't do anything stupid. Remember we can't get kicked out this time. We can't afford another trip. " I whispered to her ear.

"But I would really love to punch this dude right now." She whispered back.

"No!! We need to check on Bianca. We all know she's sensitive and doesn't like to get yelled at. "


We all left without a word to find Bianca. Who knows what she's doing now.

"What a bunch of jerks..." danah mumbled.

"I know. We have to stay focus and try to finish the year. "

We kept walking until we found her outside out in the field under a big tree. We all ran up to her and saw tears streaming down her eyes.

"Are you ok, Bianca??"

"....I'm fine..."

We all sighed and sat next to her and hugged her. We all knew she wasn't so we stayed like this until the bell ringed for fifth period.

"Cmon Bianca. Let's go to calculus together. " danah said while holding her hand out.

Of course Bianca accepts it and they head out. Me and Stuti said our 'cya later's' then headed off to our 5th class. The class seems nice, the teacher writing on the bored. The blond kid that hurt my friend walked in the door.
Hold up...what!!

Is he seriously in this class?!? My day cannot get any worse. My blood was boiling to the max, but I have to stay calm and just not look nor talk to whatever his name is. I could actually burn this school down.

"Alright class, I will be assigning partners for you and you will be working on a project about any planet you want..."

I pray to the lord I am not partnered with the blond kid.

"Jack and Katie, Lily and Carl....."

She goes on and still hasn't said my name....

"And Tyler and Chloe."

Who's Tyler?? I got up towards the teacher to ask who he is and she pointed to......the blond kid.

"Miss there must be some kind of mistake. I can't be partners with Tyler. Me and him don't have a good friendship. "

"Well Ms.Chloe. I'm sure you two will get along. Besides, your new here. Why not make some friend. "

Great. Just...great. I walked towards Tyler and stand right in front of him.

"Oh, so your Chloe. "


"Talked to your friend about how to control her anger. "


"Gotta say...Your friend still owes me money----"

"Listen here, jerk face. We owe you nothing, my friend tripped on accident and my other friend was trying to defend her. So do me a favor and butt out. Now let's just discuss this project and get this over with. The sooner we get started, the sooner I get to stay away from you. "

"Trust me, doll face. I don't want to be partners with you either. "

"Well that makes two of us. "

I walked away and straight to my seat. Which doesn't help since my seat in two seats behind him to the left.

"Where you want to meet. "

"Computer lab...."

"Cya than, Doll face. "

I glared at him.

"Don't call me that..."

'' So his name is Tyler, huh.!!" Stuti asked. We bumped on each other so we're walking together again.

"Yup and guess what!! I'm his partner for this project. We have to meet in the computer lab after school today. "

"That must've suck. "

"Yeah yeah. I don't think this school is meant for us. "

"Cmon Chloe. You know we don't make the decisions. Ben does, were poor??"

"I know, i know. I just want what's best for Bianca. Who knows what it felt like...."

"Felt like what??"


Me and Stuti screamed. We turned to see Ema, Destiny, and Julia.

"Dammit Ema!! Scared the shit out of me...again. "

She giggled. "Sorry...what were y'all talking about??"


"What kind of stuff??"

"Family stuff.."

"Ohh. Family problems??"


After that talk, we headed towards our next class. I remember Bianca having Free period now so I can kinda not worry about her. I'm just hoping she is fine.

"Aye Chloe!!" Stuti yelled.


"Living the life??"

"You have no idea."
Bianca's POV
I'm so happy I have free period now. I needed a break to stay away from these people but that guy Chris is in almost all my classes.
He keeps staring at me!! Talk about creeper.

I head outside in the bleachers at the top, I can see the whole football field. I scanned the area and found Chris playing football with his buddies. Like 15-20 people.

"He does play good..." I whispered to myself.

I took out my notebook and started drawing a girls underneath a Sakura tree. Suddenly a soccer ball came to the seat besides me making me jump.

"Hey!! Can you bring that over?!?"

I nodded my head yes than grabbed the ball and walked towards them.

"Uhh here..." I passed the ball to one of them.

"Hey your new here...your cute."

I was taken off guard because of his complement. I nodded yes.

"Our soccer game is next week, you can come and watch us play."

"Oh...thanks for the offer. I'm sure I can make some time..."

"Cool.. my names Chad. Soccer team caption. "


"I'll cya around. "

He left with his friends. Chad is cute, with his light brown hair and sun kiss skin. I though I saw freckles but maybe. I headed back to the bleachers and saw Chris looking at me.

Well that's all for today. Thank you for 100+ reads!! I'm so happy.^.^. Chad seems like a cool guy but Chris is a creeper. Cya guys.....

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