Element 9

47 0 4

Bianca's POV

"Can't you just all agree to have corn dogs??" Benny asked.

"No because eating a corn dog is like eating a pe--"

"STUTI!! Don't you dare say it!! Keep it PG!!" I said.

"Pencil!! A freaking pencil!!"

We got our snacks and headed towards our house.

"Okay girls..have what you want. Movie time!!" Ben yelled.

I love movie days. We get a horror movie, which I love, and bundle up on the couch. Danah however hates horror movies. We got popcorn and put the Rings on.

"Don't go in there!! Don't go--AHH!!" Danah screamed.

I giggled at her reaction but I'm a bit spooked. The movie ended and everyone was asleep. Benny on the couch and every one else in the floor.  I put a blanket on Benny, kissed his forehead and went to the  kitchen.

Suddenly our house phone rang. Quickly, I picked it up.


"You shouldn't really kiss other men's forehead....."

How the hell does this person know. It sound like boy and very familiar.

".....Chris??......" I whispered.

"Got that right. Better go to sleep, goodnight."

He hanged up. Questions forming in my head. How does he know where I live?? Why was he concern about me kissing my uncles forehead?? I have a headache, I went upstairs towards my room and let sleep take over.

The next day I looked like a walking zombie. It's because Of Chris. How the hell does he know where I live. Whatever, I'll just ignore him.

"Bianca..you seem tired?? Are you okay!??" Julia asked.

"Hmm?? I'm fine. "

"Okay?? Well I wanted to ask you about Chris.."

My head snapped to her.

"W-what about him??"

"Listen, he is a bad man. He is cruel, of what I heard. "

"You heard?? Julia you shouldn't judge people because of rumors."

"Well I saw him pick a fight with this freshman for bumping into him."

Just for that?!?

"For your own good bianca...cya!!"

She ran off. What's the point, I just want to finish my senior year and movie on with my life. But what would I do then?? Will she still be out there?? The world is big but who knows??

The day has almost ended and now I'm in art class. It's my favorite subject, we are now drawing a forest.

"Hey bianca, does this look nice??" Chad asked.

I looked over to see and it was amazing. The sky looked like the colors of lava and the grass had so much details. Me and Chad are getting close but not too close.

"Whoa, it looks awesome."

"You think so??"

"I know so."

Couldn't be happier to draw freely but each picture had a meaning. My mom said that to me and I made sure every drawing I drew has a meaning.

"Class, tomorrow we will start a new project and this time we will be drawing a portrait of your partner. One as the model and one as the creature. "

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