Element 15

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Bianca's POV
After 5 minutes of him crushing me, I made it to gym but my coach didn't take it well. So extra laps for me, yay!! (Not the sarcasm) but running is fun for me , I did cross country in my sophomore year. But stopped at junior year because I had to go to a different school. After doing my extra laps I took a sip of water front the water fountain then Chad came by.

"Hi Bianca. "

"Uh hey Chad."

"So I was wondering what time you want to meet up??"

"Oh Chad, I'm so sorry, I have work tomorrow and won't be able to make it...."

I saw sadness in his eyes and I felt guilty. I'm sure he's a nice guy and I hope he can find a girl who loves him.
"Oh it's okay. I saw you running, your fast." He complimented.


We continue walking around the track, chatting but mostly about sports. At the end of the period we went separate ways. However, when I was around the corner, I saw Maybel walk up to Chad. I smiled to myself and left.

"Why you smiling??" Chris came out of nowhere.

"Why do you always pop out of nowhere??" I asked smiling.

He smiled back at me and his smile is cute, He looks younger.

"My question first." I giggled.

"Well my friend is probably going to confess to her crush and I feel proud of her. I can never do something like that. Now my question. "

"I just happened to pass by.."

"Sure, I believe you..."

We continue to walk until we reached biology class. As we went in and as usual, I sit in the back. However this time Chris changed his seat next to mine.
"Stalking me??"

"More like trying to get to know you better."

If he knew what happened, I doubt he'll like me. Better yet think I'm week. I thought to myself.

Skip to lunch and Chris is still walking with me. I'm starting to like Chris BUT AS A FRIEND. We walked through the cafeteria doors and everyone was staring at us.
Shit. I hate the attention!! Stop staring!! Chris noticed how I'm uncomfortable I am, he pulled me towards my friends table and they looked at me with confusion. We both sat down and it became silent.

"...why the hell is he here??" Chloe asked breaking the silence.

"Uhh...he...ummm...well I.."

"Trying to make friends." Chris said.

They all looked at me but I looked down on my lab playing with my fingers. Then more guys showed up on our table. Tyler and Conner but the rest I have no clue.
"Chris?? Why you sitting here??" Conner asked.

"Making friends."

They all nodded and started sitting down. Okay okay. Bianca calm down. There's a reason for this.
I looked back up and Chloe staring at me with anger. I think it's because Tyler decided to sit next to her. I have her an apology look but she rolled her eyes.

"Lets start over. I know you all hate me because I'm 'stalking' Bianca. " he quoted the word stalking.

"Fine, I'm Danah. "

"Stuti, don't play shit with me. "

"Chloe, lets not speak of the past. "

A sign of relief washed through me, I'm glad they haven't started an argument yet.

"The names Tyler, doll face. " he said to Chloe. She gave him a glare.

"Conner, the rest are our football team. "

"Y'all play football?!?" Stuti asked excitedly.

They all looked at her with shock. They nodded their heads.
"What position?!?"

They started telling her their position and she became interested.
"Quarterback." Chris said.

He started looking at me while I eat.
"..yes.?? Do I have something on my face??" He chuckled.

"Nope, you look beautiful.."

I blushed at his comment. Cmon Bianca, get a grip. He probably has a girlfriend.
"Wanna play 20 questions??" He asked, I nodded my head.

"Favorite color??" He asked first.

"Green and lavender. Favorite class??"

"Science, when's your birthday??"

"August 29th, yours??"

"March 15th..."

The game continued on and on until the bell ringed but that didn't stop us. We even continue asking questions all the way to our classes. I've learn so much about him, I learned his favorite color is red, likes football and basketball, favorite food is chicken soup, etc.
Art class and I see Chad smiling.

"Did something happen??" I asked.

"Maybel confessed to me, I didn't know she had feelings for me. I guess I was blind..."

"Are you two going out. "

"We will tonight, I'm taking her out somewhere.!!"

I smiled, continuing my art work about aboriginal art and while listening to music.
"I'd heard there was a secret chord
That David played and it pleased the Lord
But you don't really care for music, do you?
Well, it goes like this
The fourth, the fifth, the minor fall, the major lift
The baffled king composing Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah"

Done with drawing now time for painting. I got out of my seat and went to the storage area and saw the paint on the top shelf.
But I couldn't reach it.
I tried my tippy toes and jumping but that didn't work. Suddenly I felt strong arms wrapped around my waist and pulled my up. I took the chance to get the paint and brushes, as soon as I went down I turned to see Chris with a smirk.

"I want to whip away that smirk of yours..." I mumbled.

"A thank you would be nice shortie." He chuckled.

"...thank you..." I stick my tongue out. Leaving the area, I continue my work. Halfway through the bell ranged singling schools done. I put away the supplies and headed out the room.

"Are you coming to the game??" Chris asked.

"Uhhh I don't know Chris, I might have some--"

"Great!! Be there at 7:30!!" He ran off.

Great, but I don't do football games. Not after the incident. I felt tears forming but I brushed it off and headed to my friends.

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