Chapter 30

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~Do not begin music yet~

Bianca's POV

I looked through the Camera seeing that danah has already fog up the place. I could kinda see who's who by their height and hair style, I mean I've known them since middle school. I would know them that well. Chris was typing something in the computer and I just stared at the cameras but suddenly just broke down crying. I fell on the floor and cried, cried my heart out. Chris came by me fast,

"Hey, hey it's okay. Don't worry, everything will be fine." Chris said trying to calm me down.

"C-Chris, I'm so scared. G-Gabriela can kill us all and I'm still shocked from the game and you could've died. Everyone's going to fight and I'm just here. I want all this to be over, I want us to have a normal high school life. I want to be together with you But Gabriela took all that away."

"Hey, don't say that. We are fighting Gabriela, we need to keep track where she is so we can tell the girls."

I nodded my head and sat back down in the chair with Chris holding me hand, watching the girls take action.

Maybel's POV

Ema turned invisible and went somewhere along with Stuti and I'm with Chloe and Danah. Chloe is talking to Bianca from the ear bud and is trying to find Gabriela. We heard footsteps coming from down the hall so we all hide in the closed classroom.

"Ugh! Where Are they? And what's with the fog?!" Said Gabriela.

"There could be a chance if they left the school grounds..." Said one of the cheerleaders.

"Impossible, they wouldn't leave their poor Bianca here alone with me. Search every door and every area, I want them here. Alive!"

"Yes miss."

The cheerleaders left, leaving Gabriela alone. Gabriela's expression turned hard and mean then started stomping her feet on the ground.

"Those bitches!"

I whispered to Chloe. "Why can't you use your fire power now?"

"Because she will know we are here, we need to get her to the cafeteria. Bianca said she can lock the doors with her vines, leaving her trap. That's when we will attack."

I nodded my head then we waited until she leaves. A few seconds later she left the hall, we heard Bianca speaking through the ear bud.

"Heading towards the main entrance. Cheerleaders in gym."

"Okay, I think it's time for Ema and Stuti to do their part. We'll be in the cafeteria, hiding behind the lunch desk."

"Got it."

"Cmon, lets go." Said Chloe.

We all ran quietly towards the cafeteria and started to plan what we will do. Chloe was behind lunch desk while Danah was hiding behind a pillar. I was sitting in a table waiting. We all heard footsteps coming towards up, I breathed heavily and that's when Ema came in.

"Ema? What are you doing—"

"Gabriela! She's running after me because she thought I was Chloe. She's coming and she's super pissed, her eyes are black as coal."

"Okay get out of here, go to Destiny and Julia."

Ema nods her head and ran off to a different direction. I looked towards Chloe and gave her a nod signaling that the plan has begun. Soon we heard lots of foot steps, gotta be her and her minions. I did a quick prayer then took a deep breath. Gabriela busted in with her minions looking around. She signaled them to look everywhere and began walking around.

~Begin music~

Chloe began to sing..

"If  I told you this was only gonna hurt.

If I warned you that the fires gonna burn

Would you walk in? Would you let me go in first?

Do it all in the name of Love."

Gabriela twitched then covered her ears. Danah came out and blew tons of air towards Gabriela. She fell backwards then vines started wrapping her. I looked around to find Bianca standing near the entrance with her hands in front of her.

"Bianca?! What are you doing here?" I Yelled.

"I-I couldn't let y'all fight alone..!"

Chloe came by and started pouring salt around Gabriela.


"Since she controls spirits, she's a demon."

Gabrielas face expression turned fury then Bianca's vines started to burn. Bianca screamed in pain and release the vines. Before Chloe could finish the salt circle, Gabriela pushed Chloe and ran out the door. I picked up Chloe and looked at the direction Gabriela went.

"Cmon, we almost got her." I said.

We all ran towards the door until cheerleaders came in. I stepped in front of the girls.

"Go, kill Gabriela."

"But what about you?" Asked Bianca.

"I'll buy you some time, go!"

"But you don't have any powers!"


They all ran around the cheerleaders and they looked at me.

"How about a cheer off, you and me!?"

They all smirked.

Bianca's POV

I didn't want to leave Maybel alone but we had no choice. I escaped the camera room without Chris noticing, I'm probably gonna get a lecture from him...oh well. We went to the field and the students still looked dead. Destiny came in along with Julia and Ema.

"Hey, their here!"Said destiny.

"Bring them."

Destiny whistles and then four unicorns came running in.

"Holy shit, their pink!!" Said Stuti.

"Guys this is LaLa, Rose, Daisy, and J.J."

"Chloe, why do we need unicorns."

"I call it...'The Dramatic Entrance.'"

We all looked at Chloe dumbfounded.


"Chloe, your scaring me." Said Danah.

"Whatever, she's in the football field. Get on."

We all got on a unicorn and I think mine is Rose.

"You don't have to pullback, just think to tell them what to do."

Okay uhh take three steps forward. The horse took three step, I was amazed.

"Amazing, destiny." I comment.

"Good luck guys, please be safe." Said Julia.

"Don't worry, good always wins over evil." Said Chloe.

"Let's get a move on, I want to kill this bitch." Said Stuti.

I took a deep breath and we all ran inside the field.

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