Element 3

78 1 3

Stuti's POV
Chloe and I headed straight towards Calculus. We went in and everyone stared at us,I just smiled.

"Hey...I'm Stuti. New here."

"Chloe. Also new here. "

"Oh! Yes. Hello, you may take a seat."

We both nodded and sat near the teachers desk which is on the left side of the room.
Man, another school means another bully's here. Ugh, they can be annoying sometimes.

"Ok class, today we will start off with formulas......."
After class, I found my locker and opened it. Got my science book and headed to my next class.
As soon as I went inside, I'm 'greeted' by a brunette girl.
Who the fuck wears heels and a small skirt that shows her butt to school. Oh yeah...a slut.

"Watch it mouse!!" The brunette yelled.

"Mouse?? Ok I know I'm short but no need for name calling."

"Ohhh, is the elf trying to stand up for herself..........wait. Your the newbie everyone's talking about."

"Yeah!! Is there a problem?!"

"Your existence."

"You little----"

I was cut off by the bell ringing. The teacher soon came in and told us to take our seats. I walked pass the brunette and gave her a glare but she just smirked.


This is going to be a long year with her being here.

"Don't worry. She's always like that. Ever since her dad created a new clothing line." A dirty blonde said. I looked over to her. She's sitting next to me.

"My names Ema. Yours??"

"Stuti....who is she??"

"No other than Amy Jones. Typical queen bee and cheerleader. I know all schools have a queen bee slut but this one has levitation powers!! This one girl tried to throw a punch at her but she was slow so Amy pushed her across the room."

"That is one crazy gal. So do you have a power??" I asked.

"Well I can teleport. Makes me go to my classes faster. What about you??"

"I'm part of the Elements. I have the power to control water."

She looked speechless. Maybe it was a bad idea to tell people who I am. She looked forward and disappeared.
The hell!! Did she teleport somewhere!!
She came back and looked calm.

"What just happened?!?" I whisper/scream.

"I was so excited I have to go to a park to scream."

"How come??" I asked out of curiosity. I mean, cmon, I may be an element but what does that have to do with anything.

"They are really rare to find!! They basically can control the world---"

"Ema!! No talking please."

The teacher interrupted her. Ema stayed silent and gave me an apology look. I didn't mind. Me and my friends weren't really born with the powers. It was given to us by something.

Our assignment was to fill out a packet about the solar system. I already know this stuff from the last school so I finished early.

"Finished already miss Stuti." The teacher said.

"Yes, Miss."

I went back to my seat and thought about how this school will turn out.
Will there be bully's here?!?

Of course there will be some.

Some of this work is easy.

What if I got into a fight here??

Where will we go??

"Stuti!!" Ema yelled my name.

"Oh shit!! What!!"

"Class is over...."

I looked at the clock then the classroom. Half the students were gone already.

"Ohhhhh. Well than I'll see you later, Ema."

"K, bye!!"

I left the room and headed straight towards the library before I can head to 4th period history.
I looked around to find a book about Dan and Phil. These two are my favorite YouTubers. After I checked the book out I headed to history class. Bianca was already here and sitting in the back.

"Hey Bianca!!"
She looked up at me and waved. I sat next to her.

"What's up, Stuti."

"Nothing really. How was your classes?? Did you meet anybody?? Were they picking on you?? Because if they were I would--"

"Stuti, calm down. No I didn't meet anybody, my classes are fine, and no one was picking on me."

A breath of relief came out. As long as she's fine and in good health than I'm ok.

2 minutes later the bell rang and the teacher started the lesson about the 3rd president. I looked over to Bianca to see her doodling in her notebook. I gotta say, she's pretty good at drawing. Bianca's already in advance class for art.

"What are you drawing??" I asked.

"Oh, just a chibi girl with a big purple dress. I call it 'Sweet 16'. "

"Holy cow!! That's cute!!"

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"Holy cow!! That's cute!!"


All bianca ever does is draw. She says and I quote 'it calms me'.

"What does that picture represent??"

"A girl having a good time at a party with her friends....anyways cmon. We have to finish this assignment."

"Who cares. We already know this stuff."

"But I don't want to get a bad grade!!"

"Ugh. Find. "

She smiled and started working. I'm too lazy to do this but she right. We need to graduate high school and maybe go to collage. Maybe not. Their probably not going to accept us since we've been expelled twice already.

"Alright class. Turn in your work, I will see you tomorrow..." the teacher said.

"Cmon Bianca!! We have to find a table for us to eat."

"Go on, I have to get my lunch from my locker."

I thought for a moment. Not wanting to leave her behind but I agreed. We both left but headed different directions.

I hope there will be no trouble.

Finally this chapter is done. I hope you liked the drawing because I actually did it. Well till next time!! Hearts!!

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