Element 7

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Bianca's POV

It seemed like yesterday when we got them but it was 8 years ago. Books say that the owner that hold the power of an element can control the world with that element. Meaning i can control all land.

"Do you still remember the voices??" Stuti asked.

We all nodded.

"Let's talk about this when Chloe gets here.
Chloe's POV

He's late!!! Ugh, I've known him for a couple of hours and he already irritates me!!

"I'm here."

"Took you long enough."

"At least I'm here ya know??" 

"Whatever. Let's get this done and avoid each other. "

"You wanna get this all done in one night."

"Yeah. Like I said the sooner this is done the sooner I don't get to see you often. "

I logged into the computer and searched up planet Saturn. I realized Tyler is just playing happy wheels on the computer.

"Ya know, you could at least print out pictures."

"Ugh. To much work. "

I just closed my eyes and imagined his seat burning. Which it did hehe.


He fell backwards almost making me laugh.

"Problem??" I asked.

"The seat burns!!"

I touched it which gave him a scared look but I just had a calm face.

"It doesn't burn."


He touched again and nothing. I know, I'm evil.

"Can you print the pictures now??"

He looked at me and searched up the Saturn. Now I can finish this.
After that I went home around 5:30ish  since school ended at 3:10. I entered the house to see bianca cooking and danah and Stuti watching tv.

"I'm home!!" I yelled.

"Chloe!! Your finally here, dinner is almost done!!" Bianca said.

"What are we having??"

"Bianca's favorites..." danah said.

"Is she seriously making pizza with chocolate fudge on the side with spaghetti and donuts??"

"No, just spaghetti."

I sign in relief.

"So how what the project??"

"Manage to finish it..."

"And Tyler??" Bianca asked.

"Uhhh you know??"

She nodded yes.

"Dinners ready...."

We all gathered around the table and started eating.

"We were talking about how we got our powers. " Stuti started.

"And how we remember the voices..." danah finished.

"You know what puzzles me. That day when we were 9, do you remember what the voices said??"
I asked.

"It said the Element 4 but it also said to destroy 5th something??" Bianca answered.

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