Element 18

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Chloe's POV

When Bianca left to see Chris, I notice how close their getting.
"We have to stop her." I said.

"Why? At least she's making friends." Danah said.

"But what if he breaks her heart? Can't you tell she likes him?"

"It's obvious that Bianca and you like a guy."

"Wait what? You don't mean..."

"Tyler and Chloe, sitting on a tree. K-i-s-s--" I burned the chair Danah was sitting on and she started screaming.

"I got chu!!" She sprayed water all over Danah.

"Now she's all wet."

"..cmon Chloe, stop denying the obvious." I huffed and walked away but knowing them, their probably going to push me towards Tyler. The doorbell ringed and thought it was Bianca but turns out to be Tyler. I was still mad at him because he didn't bother to help me when mad die dumped coke on me. So I slammed the door and went back to me room.
The doorbell ringed again but I ignored it. However, Stuti opened the door and told him I'm in my room. My door knocked.
"Not in the mood."

"Cmon Chloe, let me explain. " this boy is so annoying but opened the door anyways.

"Chloe, believe me, I wanted to stop her but Maddox already poured her drink before I have a chance to stop her. "

"Whatever Tyler, I don't care anymore."

"No, Maddie can be a bitch and I didn't bother to help."

"Yeah, it's not like I was embarrassed in front of lots of people." My eyes started to glow.

"..your eyes? Why are they glowing?"
I tried calming down but I need water to calm me.
"You have some sort of power..what is it?"

"You need to leave."

"Wait but what is--" I shoved him hard almost making him fall backwards but caught his balance.
"Chloe what's wrong?!"

Managing to push him out the front door, Stuti and Danah came out and saw my eyes glowing.
"Did he...see?" Stuti asked then I nodded my head yes. Stuti used her hands to pour water on me.

"He's going to find out.....we need to find Bianca. "

Bianca's POV
We were walking around the park chatting about random stuff.
"So only me and your football team know that you and Maybel are related.?"

"Yeah, because me and her are like opposites and people will be shock. "

"She told me you are her step brother...what happened? "

"Well my mom decided to have a divorce with my dad because he always goes out and comes home late. I found out he's been sleeping with other women. So my mom remarried Jonas and found out he has a daughter, Maybel. "

"Oh I'm so sorry--I didn't know."

"It's fine...what about you? What happened to your parents.??"
I was about to answer until I heard people screaming my name. It turned out to be Chloe, Stuti, and Danah. They seemed in a panic mode ??

"Bianca!! Don't tell him anything. " Stuti screamed.

"Tyler saw!! I got mad at him since he came over and tried to apologize and she saw my eyes glow red. He asked if I had some power!!"

"Whoa whoa, you four has some sort of power. ??" Chris asked.

"This doesn't concern you. Cmon Bianca.." Chloe grabbed me but Chris also grabbed my other hand.

"No I'm sick with all these clues and shit. I want answers. "

"This doesn't concern you!"

"If it's dealing with her, hell yes it does. "

"Back off Chris.." Danah came.

"Make me.."

"All of you SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LET GO OF ME!!" I screamed. They all looked at me in shock and release my hands/arm. People around us gave questioning looks but I brushed it off.

"Chloe, I'm sure they will find out eventually but now is not the time, I'm sure you can find a reasonable explanation for Tyler. And you Chris I'm sure you are questioning everything that is happening but I can't tell you now but you have gain my trust to tell you about my parents. For now I must go home. See you tomorrow. " I said with a calming voice.

We left the park and went back home. We still don't know when Benny will come back home. Chloe was silent the whole time but Stuti and Danah kept chatting about school.
"We can't go to school tomorrow. " Chloe said.

"What why?!" I asked.

"Tyler will keep asking me about what happened today and Chris will probably be asking you. Plus since when have you trust Chris??"

"...Chris is nice, he might seem bad to the school but to me he's soft. "

"I still don't trust that guy. " she mumbled.

"They will spread our story if they knew about Gabriela. " Danah added.

"How do you know that? Maybe they can---"

"No, Danah right. If they knew. Maybe the whole school will think of it as a joke and spread the news out. Gabriela will come. " Stuti explained.

"So much for a normal life" I mumbled. We made it home, everybody started resting in the living room while I started cooking. I needed butter and was about to get out until I saw a note on the fridge.

Dear Element 4

You don't know me but I know you. I give you this note to tell you that you must become stronger. Benny will not return until 'it' is destroyed. Don't worry, he is save but won't be for long. Train harder...make peace.


"Guys...guys!!" I screamed. They came over and I showed the note to them. while they read, they all have a look of shock and fear.

"Queen? Queen who?! Who's 'IT'? What do we need to destroy! Train? For what?!" Stuti rambled with questions.

"Hold up! It says Benny won't come back until we destroy whatever 'it' is. There's a limit..."Chloe said.

"If we needed to destroy something why couldn't the Queen tell us what it is?"

"It could be a test..."

"Test of what?! Are we suppose to do all this on our own. We've been through so much, now we should add this onto our 'to do' list. " I said almost in tears. First my mother is gone, second I'm being haunted by Gabriela, third now this?! Our flower plant that's on top of our kitchen table began to rot.

"Bianca, calm down. Take deep breaths." Stuti said. I tried but couldn't, soon the flower died.

"If Benny was here..he'll know what to do.."

It's SUMMER!! late update but it's finally here.

~butterfly wings

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