Chapter 1:Forget Me

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Amy P.O.V.

Being someone I'm not, is something I'm not used to...

I chase a blue streak as it glows with life in the wind making me want to chase it more. I knew at the end of this blue glow was the most heroic hedgehog I know. Sonic the Hedgehog, knowing he will always ran away that always made my heart ache but the chase made my day as I remember a memory, doing this with someone in my past...

No! I can't think of that again I will break down and lose sight of my future ahead of me. I look up to see the blue light disappearing so slowly seeing him getting away.

"SONIC!!!" but it was too late he broke the wind making it's waves push me back as he sped off into another world where I can't reach him again.

My heart ached as he left me again. I watch as the memory fades with his streak once more leaving me in the sunlight and silence.

A couple of months ago I left to practice controlling my powers since my hammer is getting older just like me but I didn't mind I had a great teacher who taught me, well even if I kept breaking everything I touched.

I feel the ache again in my chest making me groan holding it. My chest has been like this for a couple of days after returning and I dont understand why.

Hours after just sitting in the lonesome forest watching time go by I knew Cream would come for me if I wasn't back by noon. So I walked back to the house where I stayed with Vanilla and Cream for awhile, until I find myself a home again "Since Eggman blew up my house while I was training, probably to use me as bait again"

I sigh softly rubbing my eyes tired and annoyed thinking about that idiot of a doctor, he sends my quills on end every-time he talks about his dumb plans over and over again...makes me want to punch him into another world but he would probably find a way back to us of course like always.

I come to the mushroom home where I see Cream and Tails sitting together by the window talking and being flirting with each of course. I walk to the door reaching for the doorknob.

"Sonic stop that you're gonna hurt yourself!"

I pause before opening the door "It can't be..." I swing open the door seeing Sally standing just a few feet away from me with Bonnie by her side as they laugh at Sonic who seem to have tried to balance some drinks on his head while standing on knuckles.

Before I could say anything Sally noticed me and smiled "Amy! Hey girl how've you been?"

I stare at her seeing she changed a lot, her hair grew more as it was pulled back though and she was wearing a blue tank-top with some denim pants and black high heel boots. She seem so mature too seeing how time did a good number on her.

She walks over gripping my freezing hands which are gloved by grey gloves. She smiles at me but something seems different though, her smile is not the smile I used to know.

"Wow Amy look how much you've changed! I love your new look too."

Instead of my red normal loose dress I changed into my black jacket with a matching scarf and my dark blue navy pants and my normal boots knowing it was gonna be cold all night tonight.

She backed away when someone calls her name and I look at Bonnie who waves to me "Hey sugar sorry but gotta keep an eye on the gal" she ruffles my quills like she use to do to me when I was little.

No can't think of that again I must put those memories back.

I feel a tap on my shoulder seeing it was Vanilla smiling worried "You alright dear you look a little pale" she hands my cup full of my favorite rose tea."Sorry Vanilla I was just thinking of how cold it is out there" I fake a smile hoping she could leave me alone in my thought for now but she sighs with a smile " Alright dear..Oh! Sally is gonna use your room for the night if that's okay with you....she said she hasn't been feeling to well to head back tonight" I look past her at Sally and Sonic who seemed to get pretty close to each other. I look back at Vanilla nodding "Yeah! Sure it's fine I'll sleep on the couch" She smiles kissing my head walking away.

I hate sleeping on the couch cause one it's not that comfy to sleep on and second it's really small I mean you can sit two people on it but one person laying across it my feet dangle in the air and I hate that.

Since it was late, everyone started to head home for the night. Though knowing Knuckles, he's gonna stay the night cause he couldn't go home to his girlfriend Rouge, who I wish was here with me.

"Oh I'm sure Amy wouldn't mind Knuckles sleeping on the couch tonight" Sally said from my doorway smiling that smile again.

Vanilla looked at her confused but Sally did a fake cough with a sad look and Vanilla worried "Of course why Amy why don't you go to Rouge's and sleep there tonight" Vanilla pushed me out of the house making me trip.

Vanilla is acting weird now too and it scared a little making me shiver. I start walking to her house in the night cold. I don't care about how many eyes stared at me..I don't care if I bump into some of them...

Everything is changing so fast Sally is back, Sonic is further away now and now Vanilla kicked me out cause of a drunk knuckles! Nothing is making sense!

I soon make it to Rouge's house only to see her car isn't even in the drive way knowing she is out and now I'm at my edge now.

I'm sick and tired of this happening to me today but I must keep my calm if I just sit down and relax I'll feel alittle better.

I sit on a bench not far from the park and check my time seeing it's almost midnight.

I didn't feel tired one bit just pure anger surge through my veins as I finally cried after losing Shadow to the ARK.

I cried more then I did when I was a child. Tears went down my muzzle but I never heard them hit the ground."Amy you never look beautiful crying" I look up seeing the most trusted friend.

Silver the Hedgehog , he seem to hold my tears with his powers and they evaporate in the air.

I stand up hugging him close as he hugs me back. "Silver everyone is acting weird, Sally is back and acting mean then Vanilla kicked me out cause Sally said so then..Sonic seems further now too." Silver hugs me closer breathing in deeply like hes holding back his anger as he is still mad at Sonic for flirting with Blaze but we both know Blaze is gone.

Silver pushed me back a little to look me in the face smiling that smile, it always warms my heart. "Amy come with me" I look at him in shock "What but...What about the others" Silver opens a portal and looks back at me.

"Like you said they are being weird and mean...Amy I promise they would barely know you are gone"

I look down then back seeing no one even coming for me. I look down then back up finally ready to start this, staring at the portal with all my anger.

"Lets go Silver"

Sliver grabbed my hand smiling "Alright lets go" He steps through the portal taking my hand.

before I walked through I look back one last time seeing no one even coming making me sigh as I step through. Going through time as it doesn't bother me in its portals.

"Maybe Time will forget me..."

Alright guys here's chapter one hope you'd like this chapter but if you have any questions please feel free to comment this paragraph and I'll answer you in the next chapter. Bye Bye!!!

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