Chapter 2:Amelia or Amy?

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Hey guys the author here just letting you know that if you like this story, follow me or put the story in you're library to read later if I update. Anyways I might be late publishing this story cause of work and chores..lots of chores but I hope you give me time and I promise to publish chapters until I complete this one. Thank and enjoy the chapter~♡

Amy P.O.V (still)


Time and space were around us as we past by planets, universe's, and dimensions like we are nothing of its time. I look back at Silver who is focusing on his task to get me who knows where and I'm just here in his arms floating.

As we fly by world's I take the interest on seeing what's in them. Before Blaze left us she taught me a few secrets about time and space as I can control it seeing when and where what something is or was there.

I reach out as I slip my hands through a portal it oozes tingling my hand as it shows me a war....a dangerous war I know...and can never forget.

A battle of kingdoms, two rulers who were fill with greed and betrayal for the other, for they did not know they were set up to fight against each other. One was the West Kingdom full of peace and freedom as the other was the East full of hope and love but if one thing gets between them, they become one thing we fear....


I watch the battle unfold and warriors die every second, soon I see a small child in the mist of it all running for safety without knowing how she got in it. "Princess!" The little girl turns seeing a couple years older blonde wolf running to her holding a shield.

"Princess come with me the Queen should be on the other side of the feild.." the young blonde one seemed calm and collective of herself as the younger one was scared and even terrified she couldn't move.

The older one sense that knowing she would have to drag her out. As she picked up the younger one close to her holding the shield over their heads, getting close to the ground as possible. "Just close you're'll be alright..." I watch as they run through the war with swiftness and speed as if she was a leaf dancing on a rough wave. The blonde one makes it to the other side safe and not a wound on them both.

A young looking hedgehog with red fur ran to them in a lovingly long silk dress as she wore a crown on her head " My darlings...are you okay??" The woman picked up the little girl from the older ones arms who looks like she was holding in some tears to be brave for the princess but sadly the younger one cried in her mother's arms who fell to her knees holding the girl as she cried as well.

"My Queen..." I look seeing the blonde one smiled as she held the younger ones hand who looked back at her. "Don't worry Princess, you and I will be safe and sound...right your Majesty?"

The woman looked at her than her daughter she held close " Yes Lion....You and my darling will be Amelia Rose...." I pull my hand back from the portal panting as Silver who pulled me back looked at me with worry."We are almost there...okay?"

It felt like hours past once we reached our target and finally went through. I was welcomed with a cool breeze and long green grass tickling my bare thighs. We were surrounded by trees for miles but a building caught my eyes...not a building....a castle!

It was huge and white like it had city in it, which I think it did. We start walking to it and my stomach dropped when I saw it's flag.

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