Chapter 4: Can never forget my Shadow

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Hey guys so I've been a little busy for a awhile (More than awhile hehe) But you guys deserve a long chapter for the wait so here you go!
Also will make a discord group for the stories if ya want to hang or talk! Enjoy the chapter

"Honey I know you think your brother is better than you but you know we love you both equally right?" The King pets his daughter's head. "And if we could we would give you the crown first" He whispers softly to her making her smile bright giggling.

Amy P.O.V

I sigh seeing a white hedgehog wearing my father's crown and cape walking up to me. " that you?" I barely recognize him but his sweet tender voice is something I could never forget. "Brother?" I whisper with a quivering gasps. He took off the crown as two bangs slide to the side of his right eye and a gentle smile planted on his muzzle. I ran into his arms seeing my vision was blurry. "Amelia...I can't believe"

I feel his arms rap around my small frame compared to his muscular body and big arms."I ran Rory...after the bandits came for us I ran away...." I told him only what I was told to say. I couldn't tell my own brother of my powers, it would mean endangering him to much too.

He gripped me close in our hug I hear him make a sigh of relief rubbing the center of my back. "I thought I lost you..." he pulled away making me look up at him slowly cupping my face. I feel his thumb caressing my cheek. " dear sister has returned" he smiled at me with something gleaming in his eyes that made me think it was happiness. Gently walking me down the hall I turn to look at Lancelot who seems to have a discomfort look on his face. I want to go reassure him whatever troubles his mind but I don't want to leave my brother. I walk with him sometime until I see two familiar pink doors that made my heart tighten.

Slowly opening the doors my room has they were waiting for me almost. The girly little kids stuff were gone now there was a formal queen sized bed with my spruce wooden wardrobe. My book shelf replaced by newer books too. I turn to my dark oak drawer to see myself in its mirror looking dirty and bandages up. "Must have looked worse then I felt" I thought to myself. Hearing the two doors shut I see that I'm alone again.

I turn to the big window smiling seeing the same old window hasn't changed. Opening the two glass doors I lean out alittle to take in the fresh air only to smell the open life behind the castle walls. My bedroom window always faced north where the open fields were. I loved it, no one builded there or even thought about touching it but I knew it was where the battle was and where mother and father were...I shook my head.

I can't look in the past right now. Right now I must look up and maybe start a new life here. With my real friends and family.

Normal P.O.V

Amy leaned on the window seal sighing thinking of her friends back on Mobius. She looks at her hands as a sakura petal forms blowing out the window. Knowing things didn't work out. Her mind still showed pictures of Shadow in her life smiling and being there with her.

She looked down seeing Lancelot staring at her. He jolts seeing there eyes met he smirks at her and gestures his arms out. Amy smiles remembering their childhood together. She waved him down as she dashed out to meet up with him.

They walked together side by side laughing and talking. Lancelot fought with the others as Amelia watched clapping and making swing moments with her hands. He smiled happily as she cheered for his victory even if it was practice. She would sneak away with him down to the cooking station where they would bake and cook. Amelia would sometimes stick sweets to his armor so he would smell delicious everytime they walked around but he would notice making her laugh. Soon her brother came around asking for her and she would have to leave doing princess duties again.

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