Chapter 3: The Anti Of Silver?

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Hey guy the story may take long but I am doing my best to get done what I can. Anyway enjoy you're time here.

|In Mobius|

Normal P.O.V.

The sun rises touching the land as it slowly hugs the feild of homes where the creatures slumber. The light shines into the rooms waking up the sleeping beauties"Mmmmmm...." Vanilla sits up on the bed putting on her gown and slippers.

Putting her two longs ears behind her head and into a bun as she walks to her daughters room. Cream wakes up to her mom smiling at her " Good morning my little one could you go wake up Amy while I make breakfast" She said softly as her daughter rubbs her eyes tired like with a small nod.

Vanilla was cooking breakfasts as she hums to Beyonce single ladies that was playing on the radio near her. A scream was heard through in the house, Vanilla rushes to her daughter's scream of horror. She reaches Amy's room to see Sally and Bonnie sitting in Amy's room."Cream dear come here now!"

Vanilla calls Sonic and the others over quick as Sally and Bonnie sit at the couch where a slumbering Knuckles is. "Ng.....Bonnie do you know what's going on..."Sally groaned to her friend. "Not a clue honey bun....I just remember having tea with you and your mother."

Sonic is there in seconds then the others as they sit around the girls. "Okay first things first...Sally where's Amy?" Rouge says as she sits in one of the chairs crossing her legs. "I don't even know how I got here...all I remember is seeing a white hedgehog" Sally calmly says rubbing her dimples trying to find a clear memory.

Sonic growls tapping his foot fast"Silver....mmmm" Sonic walks over to Knuckles grabbing a green emerald from his quills making Knuckles wake up"Mmmm....babe 5 more minutes..." He mumbles rolling over falling back to sleep.

Sonic sighs grabbing his yellow emerald and crossing his arms together " Chaos Control!!!" He steps back as a portal opens infront of him."Silver taught me this if I ever needed him again..." Sonic pulls out a white quill throwing it in the portal then steps back waiting with the others.

Silver soon comes out tied up in glowing chains and mouth covered with a horror look on his face. They all gasps as the portal closes behind him and Sonic hurries to free Silver " Silver you okay!?!" Tails goes to his side helping him to his feet " No No we have to get Amy back!!!!" Silver struggles to stand but fails being catched by Sonic.

"Silver calm down and tell us what's going on please..." Cream helped Silver to the long couch where sonic pushed the sleeping Knuckles off making him jolt awake."....I was gonna come hang out with Amy today but I made a pit stop by a feild to relax a little....a guy who looked exactly like me knocked me out before I could say a word but...I think I know who he is..."

Silver leaned back covering his eyes groaning "He said he had to make the right choice..." Sonic looked at Sally and Bonnie who were looking at Silver. "What did it have to do with the girls though...why Amy?" Cream crawled onto Silver's lap with a concerned look. He sighed patting her head "She holds alot on her shoulders Cream so much she can't handle on her own....heh Why do you think she smiles so much?" Silver smiles softly pats Cream's head as the room was quiet for awhile before Silver explained more.

"Amy is what you call a time leaper, she came from a historical time in the past....being only a child she jumped through time itself and came to the time where she first met Sonic. I think now since she became of age someone ordered him to take her back" Rouge glared angerly "Became of age....what do you mean by that"

Silver gulped as an anime sweat drop appeared above his head"U-um....hehe" Rouge glared daggers at him "If looks could kill..."Sonic whispered to himself as Silver shivered. "Amy's real life is not here.....her real name is Amelia Rose and she is a princess of a very strong kingdom" The team was in shock. "Amy told us though her parents died in a fire and she had no where to go....she lied to us!" Knuckles pounds his fist down growling but Silver shook his head. "No...that part is true...the reason she time leaped was cause her family was murdered...." Knuckles insistly regrets doing what he did.

He explains more about Amy's real home. "Wait so you're saying she had another best friend before all of us...." Silver nodded "she was from another kingdom that ruled along side Amy's. They were a shield for Amy's kingdom the daughter of that king was Amy's best friend....she was the one who helped Amy time leap too " Sonic rubs his quills. "This time leap you keep did Amy do it..."

Sonic is slapped by Rouge for some reason as he looked at her."Sorry you were pissing me off...." Cream giggled as Silver put her down "How do you think she summoned her Hammer....Amy is what you call a chaos controller too" Sonic points smiling " Oh like Shadow was" Silver nodded "Yes but Amy was not given them she created it how a flower makes its own energy to survive..." Silver looked at the clock on the wall and his eyes widen.

"OKAY, enough chatting we don't have long before Amy is taken to the kingdom." The team freaked out alittle as Silver opens a portal "wait we aren't done asking questions!!" Sonic yells as Silver pushes him through "No time we have to get Amy back" Silver goes through with the others leaving a worried Vanilla. "....Come back safe..."

|With Amy|

Amy stood up holding her cheek which felt swollen from the hit. The Soldier went to her side checking her face " Oh my that must really hurt...I can take you to a medical surgeon not far from here its just in the castle I can take you there if you want?" Amy looks at the soldier then at the street.

Amy sighed no denying that she needed help with it so she followed the knight accepting their help. "Don't worry you'll atleast get to met the king too" The knight said making Amy freeze. "King...what about the Que-" "WHOA!" A yell was heard as two more knight came up.

A larger knight with black armor and a red rose symbol on the forehead of the helmet and the other one a purple knight with flames symbols on its suit. "Arthur your taking forever again." The purple one looks at the one in gold. "What, ashamed you can't keep up" they grumble and talk for awhile. The one in black armor stares at Amy, she can feel it through their helmet. Amy slowly but surely walked up to them as they reached their hand out so she took it, pulling her up onto the horse "Lets go you two..." They said to the other two grumbling. Amy knew this voice and scent by heart...but she knew it was the same as the one she knew...

In the castle the healers helped her and gave her some special herbs for her. She never once took the hood down even when they asked her to check if she was hurt anywhere else. "You alright now" Amy heard him behind her. "Yes just a little medicine and I'm fine" Amy answered not wanting to look at him. "...It's been a long time Amelia..." She felt it in his voice, hurt was in it as she felt his hand touch her shoulder, turning her.

A Phantom of her past she would call it. Like a dead person walking again "It has...Lancelot" Amy whispered looking at his crimson eyes. She knew he wasn't her Shadow, the hedgehog she loved and missed dearly, this hedgehog may be his dimensional twin but he is different. Amy took off the hood " How did you know..." She watches him chuckle with a smile.

"Who else here smells of roses and candy" she blushes making a pouty face at him as he laughs. "It's good to have you back Amelia but may I ask a question? " She nods as he lowers his head "What happened to you that ni-" A slam of an opening door and a yelling voice was heard through the halls."He knows your here Amelia" Amy looks at him scared. "Wait who knows I'm here?" Lancelot turns his head down the hallway "The king....your big brother" Amy turns at look seeing a muscled White long hair hedgehog walk fast towards them as she put her hood back on. "Great...can this get any worse.."

Idk Amy will it? Find out next time on this story man this took alot of time sorry this is really late but has been busy!!!
Hoped you liked it leave a comment down below if you want to join the story or dms me. ♡

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