Chapter 7: Cheeky Fun

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|Amy P.O.V.|

After talking with everyone about the plan I felt alittle scared almost. I had a weird back thought in my mind about losing everyone I care for again. After hearing what Lion gone through when she pushed me through I knew that I owe her my life. No one should ever go through that, even having those scars on her body. I reach over grabbing her hand as we walked into the castle.

"What would you like to do Amelia?" Lion softly asked me. She sounds like Mother almost, I mean her height and her kindness makes me feel like a kid again. "I don't know, I really want to just hang out and relax" I said leaning on her. "Then let's go to the library and have some tea" Lion said guided me to a double oak door. She opened the doors and first thing I smell are the books. It's not hard to know the new from the old but it's odd how when the two combine their smell reminds me of being back in the forest.

Walking in I see millions of books everywhere. The first floor seems to have new ones and the second floor is the old ones. In the middles stood a long dark oak table with chairs around it. A servent was standing by the table holding a tea set. "Sometimes I think you're reading my mind Lili" I giggled sitting at the table letting the maid pour me some caramel tea. I know Lion went off to find us some books to read so I leaned back enjoy the quietness.

It doesn't last long though, the two doors opening as my brother strives in. He's wear a black suit with golden buttons on his right side of his chest and it seems to have red ending on it. I won't lie that my brother is a very handsome hedgehog but he can be a goof at times. Well from the past of course but I think this is the first time I might be able to have a normal chat with him. I watch has he sits across from me as the maid pours him a cup.

"Hello Ames how's your day going?" He smiles at him as he slouches over leaning on his elbow. Oh yea he hasn't changed at all. "Quite good, since you put Lion with me things are really fun and exciting" I say taking a sip of my tea. "And where is she now" He questions as he eyes around the room. "Looking for books for me and her to read today, I felt it was time to have some quiet time for awhile." He groans leaning back. "Same nerd little sister" I smirk at him "Same reckless big brother"

"Douche" he points at me as he takes a loud sip of his cup. He knows how to make me cringe but we both know we love each other. Soon I hear Lions heels and looked to see her holding five small books. She saw me but once she saw him. Oh her look was priceless, the books almost feel out of her hands as her face was full of shock and happiness. "Ah Lion come here, Rory decided to join us for awhile" I couldnt stop smiling see her walk over with a tomato face.

"Hello Your Highness" Lion bowed to my brother before putting the books down. I read the names and smiled, romance tragedies "I can't believe you love that stuff still" Rory groans leaning back as Lion went to sit next to him. "Well it's what keeps me sane and I love it" I open the first one flipping through the pages alittle knowing how this one goes.

"So Lion how's your kingdom?" I heard Rory ask. Oh I need to see how this goes. I lift my book higher alittle and watch them. Rory is leaning on his side Chair armrest closest to Lion who is sitting straight with a smile staring at him with a dazed look. "Quite well, I got a letter from my father yesterday saying he will be visiting soon and my step mother is coming with"

"Wait your dad got married again?" Rory looked at me nodding "Yes, after the whole kingdom almost falling apart her dad married another from a far kingdom as a peace between them. You should see their kingdom now, it's as big as two kingdoms combined" Rory threw his arms out as Lion giggled at him. "Taking that you are king now Brother, will you wed soon?" I lower my book looking at him then at Lion who had her head low. "Well Yes and no, it's complicated honestly. I met this one princess with the most beautifulest eyes and her skin was so soft too" Rory kept blabbing about the ladies he has met but I couldn't help but see Lion in the corner of my eye sink into her seat. My heart soon started to ache for her "Why not Lion then" It slipped out so fast I couldn't take it back. Rory froze as did Lion as her face redden "....What do you mean little sis" Rory did a uneasy chuckle. "Well Lion is a princess and the only one you haven't really gone out with her lately have you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2020 ⏰

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