Chapter 5: Past to Present?

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Normal P.O.V.

|Through the Timeline|

The team floated through the times seeing dimensions, universe and many more. Sonic held Tails hand as Tails held Creams and so on, making a chain.

"Silver are you sure this is the right way..." Sonic days worriedly. Silver turned moving alittle so they can see in front of him. Little pink petals float making a path. "She leaves tiny petals when she enters through here so I say we will find it sooOOOOOO-" Silver falls through a portal with the rest of them with him. Everything was flying by past as the team fell through the sky. 

Slowly the forceful winds felt like a gentle breeze as Silver used his telekinesis. "There, it must be where Amy was taken!" Cream shouts pointing at the castle. "That can't be" Sally whispers alittle, Sonic looked down at her. "What is it Sal?" Sonic said as they softly landed on the ground. Sally moved away from Sonic pacing back and forth. "...The Rose is it possible, I mean it was only a myth" Sally mumbles more to herself making the team confused. "Hon please inform us of what's going on please" Rouge complained making the team nod, agreeing.

"Sorry just that.." Sally look at the castle speaking to them. "This is Rose Castle, a very powerful kingdom ruled by the most strongest, some would say they we as strong as gods." Sally opened her phone letting an imagine appear. A book with a rose pendant on the cover. "In our time the rose castle is no longer there but only one thing still lives on. Their story of course but everyone says it's a myth, a made up story...but of course this proves them wrong.." Sally sighed. Sonic thinked groaning "So what does its mean anyways" Sally looked at them with a serious face "It means Amy is the Rose Princess" Sally slammed her phone shut"and she's going to die"

|With Amy|

Sleeping in her bed as her long pink quills spread on the pillow. A hand lowers to her face caressing her cheek making her move. "Mmmmm..." She groans alittle rolling to her other side facing the figure. "Amelia...." They whisper close to her ear making her slowly awaken.

The blinds were covered with metal bars, she turns looking over at the door seeing it has a lock on it. Turning back to where she hears the voice, her eyes widen in shock. "SHADOW!?!?" She thought to herself as she sat up straight looking at him in shock and started to tear up. "My lady what's wrong" He sat down on the bed cupping her face suddenly making her gasps. "'s Lancelot" she didn't want him to see her disappoint, so she let him touch her cheek wiping her tears. "It's nothing just had a nightmare is all" she whispered.

She watched as he slowly rapped his arms around her small figure. "I'm sorry Amelia... I forced myself on you and couldn't protect you" He says while holding her tightly. "Protect me?" She tilt her head confused. "Yes before the maids found you on the floor they said what attacked me in the room was chasing after you...I failed as a knight" He lowered his head in shame.

"He doesn't know the attacker was me..." She turned her head from his shoulder picking up his face. "You didn't fail protecting me, I'm still alive now and you are alright, that's what matters" she smiles at him as he looked are her with dazed eyes. "Amelia..." He cups her face again leaning forward.

The door burst open showing her brother. "AMELIA!" He runs to her bedside clapping his hands over hers."You alright? Your not hurt anywhere? Are you hungry?" He looked at her with a worried look making her smile softly. "I'm alright my brother just passed out is all" They rambled on more if I was okay.

Hours past as it got dark, Amy was finally off bed rest and walked the halls. Suddenly she felt herself being light and didn't feel the ground. Soon the whole room disappeared turning into a candle light room. "Amy!" Turning around she face all of her friends.

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