Chapter 6: In the Past now

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Short opening just saying real quick. Enjoy and vote or comment below!

A cloudy floor, with a light aura coming from it. The room lights it's self with no candles or lights of any sort. A crimson glow stood in the middle of it all. Two glowing eyes with fangs sharp.

Another part an emerald glow brighten almost blinding as a gorgeous woman stood with long luxurious hair dragging behind her. She walked slowly to the glowing red beast. Each step opened a small peddle stone path as it ended at him.

Stopping just inches from him she was shorter then the eyes having to look up and gaze as the daggered eyes cursing to go through her. No fear or hatred seemed to come from the beast, she only saw loneliness as she cupped the beasts face letting it walk into the light.

Seeing it's figure he was rigid with muscle with big scars from battles,his fur ruffled with the smell of blood. His bloody eyes staring into her emerald eyes. He let her guide him feeling almost safe in his hands. Letting her hands graze his neck rapping around him, lifting herself letting him feel her love for him.

He stood almost frozen in her arms but slowly she felt his arms around her back, feeling his rough sharp nailed hands gently holding her frail body against his feeling his tender heart.

"Amy....I miss you so much"

"My Shadow...I miss you so much more then you know..."

A bright light blinded them both as a sudden shake made them both vanish.

|Lion's P.O.V|

Sitting up rubbing my eyes groaning from my sleep. "Ugh....again waking before the sun rises" Groaning to myself I got out of Amy's bed sitting at her little make up desk. Looking in the mirror I'm always greeting by sliver/golden eyes with long lashes hiding behind loose sunflower colored hair. Sighing I brushed the loose hair back seeing more, my little black nose then my full pink lips. My father always said I looked like Mother but I never saw it since she was much more beautiful then any woman in the lands. Smiling I examine my body more seeing my clevage.

Cupping it, blushing I can't help being proud of my size, I mean it's not like Lady Rouge but enough that it made men turn to look at me. As I looked more I realized I left on my choker on all night. Gulping I took it off wincing at the things that never looked right with my body. A deep scar around my neck like someone tried to cut up a picture and tried putting it back together but failed hiding the rips.

Closing my eyes it's hard not seeing the flashbacks of the horror. Not able to block out the images I have to let them through. Calming my breath I let them flashback play through my mind.


Rose Castle
Back Gate 09:00 pm

A little Amy ran through the rose maze being lead by Lion. "LiLi I can't anymore...I want mommy and daddy!" Amy whined as she try to force herself away from Lions tight grip. Stopping just at the exit seeing men guarding the back exit from the East Land. Lion panting, held back tears seeing they were trapped. Lion pulled Amy close petting her hair.

"Amelia....remember the song my momma always sang to us...." Lion whispered softly into Amy's little ear."Sniff....y-yes" Amy wiped her teary eyes. "I'm gonna sing it for you...if I sing it for you, you promised to keep your eyes close no matter what happens..." Lion whispered looking down at her cousin who nodded. Tucking Amy's head into her shoulder, she stood up taking at deep breath turning to the exit.

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