Chapter 9

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Eight Months Ago

I could only imagine how disturbing it was, seeing a dear brother littered with bullets. Judging by the state of Miss. Maximoff, it was apparently extremely distressing. I didn't truly understand the extent of human emotions, however I try my best using logic. I reminded myself that the young Sokovian girl had shared a womb with the man, and that they considered each other two halves of a single soul. It's been two weeks since the incident, and my logical mind had only just begun computing sympathy.

"Miss. Maximoff. Dinner." I announced with a knock on the locked door as I did everyday, even when I knew I would receive no response.

I materialised through, making space on the cluttered table to set the plate of ramen noodles. She was curled up on the floor in her usual spot, her plush bed untouched. However, I noticed that she had eaten some of the lunch I had provided for her during the afternoon.

I felt pleased at this improvement, but eating wasn't enough for her to regain her health.

"I know you are grieving, but you must sleep, Miss. Maximoff." I urged. Her hair hung in limp greasy strands, and her skin was sallow. My receptors detected an unpleasant odour due to lack of hygiene.

"Allow me to place you on the bed." I requested, approaching her. Her face snapped towards me, her red glare threatening. 

I stepped back immediately. "Perhaps not" I intoned, careful not to provoke her. After the battle of Sokovia, we had moved her to a hospice care. She had gained consciousness after the third night, and had descended into a fiery red madness when she remembered her brother was no more. She had shouted profanities, and blamed both us and herself for his death. She accused me specifically, for saving her when she had been prepared to die with her city. Clint had tried to calm her, but was zapped by the red substance in the process. When she realised she had hurt someone, she sobered up and let us take her.

"Are you unable to sleep? Would you prefer medication?" I asked.

She shook her head. "Nightmares." She croaked, her voice weak from days of misuse. It was the first time I'd heard her speak after the event.

"I... I see." I didn't know how to respond to that, and felt a sense of frustration at my helplessness.

She lifted her head to meet my gaze for the very first time. "Thanks" she whispered, her voice coarse. "For coming everyday."

I felt relief that she was beginning to feel comfortable with speech. More improvement. "I will not give up on you, Miss. Maximoff."

She shook her head, the movement seeming to take a lot of effort. "Wanda." She emphasised.

"Wanda." I repeated. "Please allow me to place you on the bed, Wanda."

She didn't respond, and I took that as permission. I kneeled before her, placing one arm securely around her back and the other under her knees. She felt cold, and had light mass due to improper eating. I flew her over, and laid her on the bed, pulling the covers over her. She watched me intently as I did this, her bloodshot eyes wide open.

"Sleep." I urged.


"Wake up!" She exclaimed, shaking me out of my dreams. For an absurd moment, I believed that she intended to throw me out of my room.

"The conference in Vienna..." she shuddered. "It's bad, Vis'"

The fear in her voice startled me awake. Unable to explain further, she grabbed my arm and pulled me out of bed toward the television.

It was worse than I thought. A bombing at the United Nations conference in Vienna. The King of Wakanda was killed instantly among other important officials. The news channel repeatedly showed a blurred image of the suspect, clad in black. The Winter Soldier, they called him.

"Natasha" she breathed, suddenly remembering that our friend was at the conference.

"Injury is the worst case scenario for her." I concluded confidently. If the infamous Black Widow had been found dead, rest assured she would have shared the television screen with the Wakandan King. "As there is no way to contact her, I'm afraid we'll have to be patient and hope that she calls us."

Wanda creased her eyebrows in worry. "Until then, we will train." She stated with defiance. "We have been idle for too long."

She marched out into the green fields, and I trailed behind hesitantly. I didn't want to practise combat; to hurt her would mean hurting myself, and to get hurt- well, I did not want to be affected by her red mist again. Ever.

The Unknown Emotion ~ A WandaVision FanficWhere stories live. Discover now