Chapter 12

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A pinch of paprika. A pinch" I murmured, distracted by the absurd and inaccurate method of measurement. My red concoction blubbered gently under the gas as I attempted to figure out whether the fine powder was the right ingredient.

"Is that paprikash?" She asked from behind me, eyebrows raised in mild surprise.

I would have jumped at her sudden appearance, if I hadn't been a precision-programmed Android. "I thought it might lift your spirits." I replied.

She smiled, a hint of adoration in her features. I fidgeted around nervously as she approached the pot, and watched her carefully as she tasted my creation.

She suppressed a wince to the best of her ability, but my keen observation caught it.

"Spirits lifted." She complimented, regardless of how terrible it must have tasted.

"In my defence, I've never actually eaten anything before-"

"May I?" She asked, gesturing to the spices.

"Please." I nodded.

She took over the cooking, expertly stirring and adding various ingredients. I left her to it, my mind whirring over things to say to make her feel better.



"No one dislikes you, Wanda"

Nailed it.

She raised an eyebrow. "Thanks" she said dryly. 

One thing I admire about Wanda is that she has no consideration to people who may hate her. However, people being frightened by her is a totally different issue.

"Oh, you're welcome. No, it's the involuntary response in the amygdala they can't help but be afraid of you."

She processed that with furrowed eyebrows. "Are you?" She asked morosely, the look in her eyes desperate yet nervous for my answer.

"My amygdala is synthetic, so..."

My weak attempt at humour paid off. Wanda laughed, her giggle soft like the tinkling of bells. I detected some relief in her reaction, and I thought that absurd. How could she think I'd ever be afraid of her?

She spoke after a slight pause. "I used to think as myself one way, but after this-" she twirled her hands to produce the mist -"I am something else. I'm still me I think. But that's not what everyone else sees."

I pondered over that in a new light. From the moment I was born, I suffered through an identity crisis, as you'd expect a half-robot-half-human-monstrosity would. Although I had friends, I assumed they could never relate to my issue, leading me to believe that I would always be alone in figuring out who or what I am. Clearly, I was wrong.

"Do you know, I don't know what this is?" I replied, touching the pale yellow gem embedded in my forehead. "Not really. I know it's not of this world. Powered Loki's staff, gave you your abilities. But it's true nature is a mystery, and yet it is part of me."

"Are you afraid of it?" She asked curiously.

"I wish to understand it. The more I do, the less it controls me. One day, who knows. I may even control it."

She nodded subtly to herself, as if she had just made a great decision.

She sighed. "I don't know what's in this, but it's not paprika." She admitted, scrunching her nose sheepishly. "I'll go to the store, I'll be back in twenty minutes." She started to walk away.

I froze in panic, unsure what to say to stop her from leaving. I dematerialised through the kitchen table, blocking her path. She looked up at me in naive confusion.

"Alternatively, we could order a pizza?" I improvised.

She sighed exasperatedly. "Vision, do you not want me to leave?"

"It is a question of safety." I bowed my head.

Her lips twitched into an adoring smile. "I can protect myself" she replied suavely, gently pushing me aside to walk through.

My gut clenched at the unpleasant turn this conversation was about to take. I placed a hand across her shoulder to stop her. "Not yours." I rebut firmly. "Mr. Stark would like to avoid the possibility of another public incident. Until the accords are on a more secure foundation."

Her smile turned sour at the sound of his name. The light in her eyes, that I had spent a lot of effort to bring around, faded away in an instant.

"And what do you want?" She sneered, her expression abashed as if she regretted ever trusting me.

I looked into her eyes, inviting her to explore my emotions and know that I mean every word.

"For people to see you. As I do"

The Unknown Emotion ~ A WandaVision FanficWhere stories live. Discover now