Chapter 11

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After checking the voicemails and finding nothing of interest, Wanda grudgingly suggested to call Mr. Stark and handed me the phone.

After several rings, he picked up.

"Please hold-"

"Sir, this is Vision." I interrupted quickly

"What's up."

"We just wanted to inquire on the wellbeing of Agent Romanoff."

"'We" meaning you and Maximoff, right?"

"Yes" I replied discreetly with Wanda right next to me, having no idea she was the current topic of conversation. I kept my mind blank.

"Keep up the good work, champ. Remember, It's for her own good. And yeah, Nat's fine"

The exuberance must have shown on my face, because Wanda sighed in relief.

"And Captain Rogers?" I inquired further.

"Yep he's fine too." The reply was dry, and caused me no relief. "If by fine, you mean locked up for aiding a dangerous criminal, then yes he's very fine."

I balked. "Mr. Stark-"

"Gotta go, talk to you later. Don't let her out."

The phone clicked shut. Wanda looked at me questioningly.

"It appears they are both fine. Captain Rogers just happens to be imprisoned for some wrongdoing." I relayed.

Her eyes widened at the thought of her second favourite mentor in jail. "This must be Starks work" she hissed. I wanted to disagree, but she stormed away to the television to watch a news channel.

The footage showed Captain Rogers with Sam getting arrested by Rhodey right outside a tunnel. Next to them, a black clad man with a metallic arm. The Winter Solider. There was another man clad in a sleek rubbery material, an enhanced I did not recognise. It was a gag news, with commentators talking over the footage.

"Would you look at that, Betty. Captain Steve Rogers arrested with his lap bird. I never thought I'd see the day." A taped recording of laughter played for the comedic aspect.

"It seems as if anyone can be a superhero- if you've got enough money to flaunt. Yet I would have thought the new King of Wakanda could afford a suit that wasn't a giant car tyre." More gag laughter.

"In all seriousness, Betty, this isn't the first Avengers event this year. Earlier this month, this happened." The next video that played was the event of Lagos, Nigeria. Wanda stiffened next to me. I leaned forward to turn off the television, but she held me back with a firm hand on my knee.

"A lot of lives lost, Betty. You would think they were trained better than this."

The ball of fire exploded through the building and Wanda winced.

"Scarlet Witch, she's called. 'Witch' makes sense, with all her voodoo magic. She's a bit of a scary one- looks like one traumatic event away from mental unstability."

"That's right. Let's be honest here, who isn't terrified of her? I highly recommend her teammates to sleep with stun guns under their pillow. In fact, you know what? I hereby declare a new name. You'll love this one, Betty... The Scarlet Bitch." A loud eruption of laughter.

I gently shifted her hand off my knee, and turned off the television. I tried to think of something to say, but I doubt she would have heard, judging by the faraway look in her eyes. Hesitantly, I left the room, deciding that she'd rather be alone for now.

The Unknown Emotion ~ A WandaVision FanficWhere stories live. Discover now