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#christmaschallengeday7, december 7th

travis «» sam

"who were you gonna give it to?"


"the snow globe, who would you've given it to."

"my mom. it sounds weird, but she has a collection of them. she loves them."

travis smiled for the 7th time in two and a half hours. yes. he was counting.
normally nobody could make him smile, why was this boy so damn good at it? he hadn't felt like this before. ever.

"she's sick you see. i guess the snow globes give her comfort? they remind her of her youth, i guess."

sam's facial expression turned into a sad frown.
without thinking, travis laid a hand on sam's shoulders, and an electric energy rushed through both of their veins.

the only thing they could do, was stare into each others eyes.


ok im so busy im not even kidding. i hate this.

im gonna edit some of the chapters, because i noticed some faults, so if you get some notifications, just know that's why.

so anzhelika, when you're on snap, send me your tram thoughts heheheh

ps. im listening to holy ground by banners and this song. damn.

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