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#christmaschallengeday11, december 11th
travis «» sam

a sweet smell filled sams nostrills. he inmediately felt drawn to the little kitchen they had been in before.

sam was picking out an album to play on the record player.

while walking to the back of the store, he put the album behind his back so travis didn't see which one it was.

he stepped into the kitchen. travis was making hot chocolate on the stove.

the phone lines were dead, but the power was still on.

sam put the vinyl in the record player and immediately sound filled the room.

sam saw travis smirk.

"oh you like the 1975, don't you?"

instead of giving sam an answer, travis started singing.

travis knew the song was called chocolate.


travis continued singing, and both boys also started dancing.

travis took sams hand and spinned him around, sam just laughed and kept hold of travis hand.

then the song was over and another one started playing.

it was a slow song.

both boys were very aware of the little space there was between them. just a couple inches closer and their lips would've touched.

their trance was broken by travis' phone alarm going off, telling them the hot chocolate was done.



to be clear; the first song was chocolate and the second song was woman :)

this is a chapter double the size from the other ones to make up for not updating.
not much dialogue tho, sorry.


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