Chapter 7

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Ricky POV

I knocked on Sam's door. "Sam, open the door."


I knocked again. "Sam please. I know your mad. I shouldn't have flipped out like that." I grabbed the door knob expecting it to be locked. But it turned. I slowly opened the door and looked in. Sam was sleeping on her bed. I walked up to her, and sat next to her on the bed. She moved toward me.

"I'm sorry. I flipped out because I'm jealous. I love you Samantha." I cleared my throat. "I mean Sam." I chuckled to myself. "Remember when we first met? We were neighbors, when ever I was outside playing with the boys you would come out and stare at me." I smiled to myself, as I tucked a piece of her black hair behind her ear. "You would follow my every move. When Angelo came up to you and asked why you kept staring at me, you answered with 'because I love him' such a small girl falling in love with someone you were to shy to even say hi to." I softly slid my knuckles against her cheek. "I got tired of the beautiful little girl just staring at me so I went to talk to you. You were sitting behind a bush trying to hide when I came near you. I stared down at your cute chubby face and asked why you were staring at me so much. You replied the same thing that you said to Angelo, 'because I love you'"

I leaned down, kissing her lips softly. "I hope you can forgive me." Something shiny caught my eye. I looked at her hand to see my key necklace in her hand. "I love you." I got off the bed and turned around.

"I love you too Ricky.." She mumbled. I smiled, than walked towards the door. "Don't leave me.." She mumbled.

"You need to sleep."

"No" she sat up rubbing her eyes. "Please. When we were little you would lay with me." I sighed. I closed the door, and walked to her bed.

"You were awake this whole time?" I asked, sitting on the edge of her bed.

"Yeah. I couldn't sleep. I heard you yelling at yourself through the wall." She wrapped her arms around my shoulders, as she sat on my lap. I wrapped my arms around her back, as she wrapped hers around my neck.

"I'm sorry." Her blue-green eyes stared into mine.

"Ricky, can I do something?" I nodded. She slowly moved towards me, closing her eyes, I closed mine as our lips touched. Our lips modeled together perfectly. We moved our lips in sync, until she pulled away slowly.

"Sam?" She put her forehead on my shoulder.

"I thought you hated me." She pulled herself closed to me. "I've been so rude to you lately. Regret keeps burning in my chest, I'm sorry Ricky." She sniffed. Was she crying? "I didn't mean it. I really love you Ricky. Ever since I moved in next to you. I wanted to see you daily, just to see your face." She started sobbing. That answered my question about her crying.

I remember her moving in next door.


"Mommy who's that boy over there?" The new girl who moved in next door asked her mom loudly.

"That's your neighbor." She answered. "You should go talk to him. He's only a little older than you."

I gave her a disgust look. She shook her quickly. "Why's that honey?" She asked her daughter.

"I don't think he likes me." She paused. "I don't want to bother him." She kept staring in my eyes, until I was hit in the head with a football.

"Ricky!" Chris ran up to me as, I rubbed the back of my head. "Stupid." He looked at the little girl. "Who's she?"

"The new neighbor." I gritted through my teeth.

~End flashback~

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