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Nikki's P.O.V

'' So you're just leaving us?'' Asked Cameron looking like he is about to cry. I sighed '' Yes Cameron, look i'm supernatural this is not place for me to live...'' I said looking down. He hugged me like he never did before, he gave me true brother hug. '' I love you Nikki so much, please be safe.'' He said and he let a tear fall down his face. '' Oh Cameron.'' I hugged him one more time, now i'm crying. '' I know everything, I will try to be safe. Tell mom that i love her.'' I said and kissed his cheek. He nodded. I turned my back to him and started walking to doors. I can't believe i'm running away from my father, my own blood, i'm running away from my home, from where I become wolf, from where i learned to defense myself, it will all be gone...I'm sure will visit Cameron and mom, but not soon. I have to face what is coming in Alaska. I don't know who I'll meet, with who I will live, with who I will share same air. I'msure it's with my kind, but there will be other supernatural creatures, not only werewolfs, something that i thought will never exist, something that I am. I opened doors and looked at Cameron one more time, he was crying, i weak smiled and walked outside. I didn't carried anything bc i don't need it. Caera will be with us thought everything. She tould us everything we need to know. Her story is that she was born supernatural, her whole family is supernatural, her mom can read mind, her dad have strong superpowers, her brother can see souls. She told us about big house in Alaska. No human can go there...U have to fight for everything. Her whole family is around world hidding. She didn't saw her family 5 years. She told us main key in house is to have as many friends u can, adn little enemies, she told us there is no chance u will have 0 enemies U will always have enemies in your life. We arrived at airport, we bought tickets and we sit on plane. Caera could teleport but she wanted to be with us. A lot of people looked at us weird bc we didn't carried things, but why do u care what i will take to damn Alaska? People are so annoying. I looked out of window, my new life will start in 2 hours. A new world. 

'' Hey Nicole are u okay?'' Asked Chris as he placed his hand on my shoulder cutting out my mind talk with myself. '' Yeah i'm fine.'' I said smiling little. He nodded and went back talking to Sam. Me and Toby didn't talk 1 word. He is still mad at me, i don't blame him, i really don't.


We are here.

In Alaska

New start.

I looked around...snow

Everything is white....

This is new chapter of my life....

'' Are you guys ready???'' Yelled Caera, we nodded. We turned in our wolf form and started running into cold ice and snow. The feeling was kinda nice, i wasn't cold. It was normal. We runned for next 15 minutes untill we arrived at big gates. We turned back in humans, Caera put her hand on lock and it spinned and unlocked. we walked inside. When I walked inside something scanned my whole body same with Toby,Sam and Chris. '' What was that?'' I asked Caera. She smiled '' They were scanning to see what kind of supernaturals we have.'' she said and I nodded. I looked at house. Holly shit.

 Holly shit

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