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Nikki's P.O.V

I could feel someone carrying me, I sniffed a little and i couldn't smell anything.

I opened my eyes a little, but closed them right away. 

The light was too light i couldn't see anything.

Right when person put me down i jumped from my seat but something was around my waist so it was blocking me from getting up.

I showed my teeth and I began to growl. I could see now, i could sniff smell everything. 

I saw 2 boys looking at me terrified. I took a sniff. '' Fucking vampires.'' I said rolling my eyes. 

'' Why the fuck am i here!?'' I yelled at them. '' Calm down werewolf, u are here because someone wants to talk to you.'' One of them said and flashed his red eyes. I was ready to pull apart his throat out. I tried to mindtalk but it didn't work '' Yeah u can't do that.'' the same boys said. '' I swear if u say one more thing i will pull apart your body in parts.'' I said mad and growling. He put his hands in air and backed away. 

'' Okay boys i can take it from here.'' Said a man, I couldn't really tell who it was, but the voice sounds so familiar. They boys walked outside adn man with mask came inside. '' Who are you?'' I asked, i was so mad at this point. '' Oh you don't know who I am?'' the person said. I shook my head. He took his mask of.

'' D-Dad?'' I said stuttering. '' Yes my dear, look who are you. You are monster, i don't even know who you are anymore'' He said going thought some needles. '' I am fine. I can control myself.'' I said trying to get away from these handcuffs. '' NO YOU ARE NOT.'' He yelled, that made me calm down a little. 

He walked to me with a needle in his hand. '' What you will do to me!?''  I yelled at him showing my teeth i could feel my eyes turning red. '' I will give you a choice.'' he said smirking at me. '' In my hand i have a cure for your situation right now.'' when he said that my mind went black. I don't want to be human! '' NO I DON'T WANT TO'' I Yelled at him, i almost got out of handcuffs because i could fell them starting to lose. '' Calm down for fuck shake, and let me finish'' He said. '' You will eaither take the cure and you are free OR you will not take a cure and i will kill your lovely boyfriend Erik his name was?'' He said smirking. My whole world just pull apart. No no no he can't do this. He turned TV that was infornt of me, and i saw those 2 vampires beating Erik up. '' ERIK! '' I yelled. '' He can't hear you honey, i will leave needle here, and you will do it by yourself or i will kill your boyfriend. You have 12 hours to decide.'' he said, he kissed my forehead and i shook my head and growled at him. He smirked and walked outside of room. What i will do!? I can't be human again! And i don't want Erik to be killed. I started shaking around and i finally got free of these handcuffs. Right when i stood up on my feet i saw taht i can't unlock doors without password. Time for a plan B.


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