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Nikki's POV

For the last couple of days we all have been hanging around in my house just practically doing nothing, only think that i did learn was something about my pack and my connection with everyone, But there is still something bugging me, should i go back to Alaska? I mean my friends are there and clearly the need help, i came to conclusion that i shouldn't care about what happened i should be there for my pack, my friends my beta's. They have been with me thought everything and i can't just  aband them for something like a breakup me and Toby had, we should go back together and figure everything out because that what we are a Family at least our quote Family before everything i still on i think.

I really do miss them, i think i should come back and fix everything

yeah you probably should

the wolf whispered to me, i looked at it down since it was beside my legs, i smiled down at him and picked him up do you really think that? i asked him since Toby was in the room and i don't know if i should tell him even tho he asked me couple of days ago when we will go back.

Well, I mean yeah. You guys are a pack, and pack needs an alpha, someone like you. Brave,Smart,Funny and not someone who will hurt them, sure you guys had ups and downs but get over it! Your dad is out there probably killing supernatural creatures and you guys are over here fighting against something stupid and can't seem to get over a stupid fight

That left me shook, how can this little puppy know so much about everything? Is he really that informed about everything?

"I will see what i can do" i said and i left the puppy in my room while i walked downstairs
I saw Cameron sleeping peacefully on the couch i laughed because his position was hilarious, he was sleeping on his back and one leg was on top of the couch while the other one was on the floor, his arm was covering his whole face while the other one was on the floor, and then, i got the idea

I runned to kitchen and grabbed a bowl, i filled it with water and evily laughed as i walked to living room i grabbed my phone and pressed record, i put his one arm that was on floor in the bowl, i hid behind other couch that was across the one that Cameron was sleeping on and i struggled to keep my giggles in
After short minutes i saw a wet mark forming in his pants and i started laughing
"What the-OH MY GOD" i heard Cameron screaming, he stood up and looked me with shocked expression, "Oh no you did not" he stated, "oh yes i did" i said thought the laughs. I will sure miss this

Hello! It's me again, the writer who updates every year! How lame
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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2018 ⏰

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