Regret the reject?

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OKAY I wanna say thank you for picking this story and reading it hopefully you will love it just as much as I loved making it. I will have to warn you there are A LOT of mistakes but it's because it was my first time being a writer on wattpad and I was overly excited to be making a story.

No, it isn't the best excuse but its the truth. Please do not copy my plot it wasn't very unique but it was orginal and I would love to keep it that way. If for some reason you want to use my plot. Please do ask and I will give you permession if you tell me how it's going to be used.

There is one mistake that is very confusing which is the first couple of chapters ( they were when I first made the book and they were just sucky filler chapters) next is the ethan and evan part. For some odd reason evan keeps popping up when I wrote the story but the name is ethan. As said on the comments when someone points it out.

This book is completed but it would be lovely if you did leave some comments and also leave comments where my mistakes are so I could fix them.

Another huge mistake is grammar. I was in the 8th grade when I made this book and I sucked at grammar but now I am a little bit better. So please excuse it as best as you can and if it gets to point where it bothers you put a period on the comment box where its at and I will go back and fix it (:

Thank you for reading this warning/note have a nice day and hope you enjoy the book.

SORRY FOR MY 13 YEAR OLD IGNORANT MIND! I SLUT-SHAMED SO MUCH IN THE FIRST COUPLE OF CHAPTERS. I EVEN FEEL BAD FOR MYSELF! I completely apologize to those who read it and were ballistic about it. I understand that slut shaming is wrong and uncalled for. I was vacuous back then. Forgive me!

Hi I'm Jade Edwards and I'm turning sixteen sooner or later. Can't wait to turn the big 1-6 and my life has been the most complicated thing ever. Yet I couldn't ask for anything better.

I'm a werewolf and I'm in the Purple Swan pack. Yeah yeah weird name but it's a pretty name for a rude pack.

Well....they are rude to me. Yea,I get "bullied" but I don't go down without a fight that's for sure. I never got bullied until I moved and the only reason i get bullied is for over something stupid! The slut queen aka Jasmine didn't want to get in trouble or so she says.

I bet you are confused so let me explain this mess up from the beginning.



I walked into my new school ready for an awesome year. I really did want a good year after all that has happened in the last two months. I didn't want anything to bring me down especially if it was a sensitive topic to discuss.

I didn't want to move but my old pack got in a fight and most of them lost their lives. Only few people survived and those few people became rouges. My dad,mom,brother,sister and I walked on a wolf territory but we didn't know until these 5 wolves popped up and nicely put us in a fucking cellar! The alpha was a very rude jerk! Until my dad explained why we were on his land and the alpha let us join their pack.

I should have gotten the hints when I first walked on the land. Should have noticed the little things before they became a problem.

When i walked into the office for my schedule and locker number, Miss.Plum nicely greeted me.

After I left to go to my locker I got pushed by a girl. She had the tightest crop top known to woman and the shortest skirt. She was caked with makeup and I would have believed she would have been way prettier than how she was made to be. Then again....if she wants to wear that and do that then so be it. I have no place to speak my opinion of her.

Of course me being me said something in the lines going..

"Watch it bitch" and the mean looking girl gasped like she broke her nail.

"What did you just say?"

"You heard me" I cross my arms with a blank face. I didn't want to start anything but I do I wasn't in a mood. Mornings are not my favorite things in the world.

"Shut it bitch before you regret saying that!" she exclaims.That's when we had a crowd around us.

"Funny cause it takes a bitch to know a bitch" At this point I was saying things that I heard from movies. I wasn't bright with stringing words together to make a perfect sentence.

She slapped me and I slapped her harder but before we got to do anything a cute looking guy came up. He looked me up and down and asked the rude girl, "babe what's going on?" That made my wolf whimper. I didn't want to jump into conclusions. Never jump into conclusions.

She looked at him, made a pout and said with an annoying voice, "Baby I'm glad you came she just called me a bitch and wanted to pick a fight with me. I didn't do anything."

Wow she lied to him! Before I knew what was happening me being me said something stupid AGAIN! I will never learn will I?

"Why lie to him? Cause you know exactly what happened! I was gonna call you something but I don't know you well enough and I don't want to either!" It was a pathetic excuse in my case especially since I already have and gave out hints along the way.

Like all boyfriends he stood up for her but at least he knew the right things to do.

"Watch your little mouth ugly bitch" he said it so low and scary that I just stared at him frozen. Boy did I wanna smack that smirk off his face!


Flashback over

That my dear friends is how it all started.

With Mr.Soon to be alpha or Drew calling me an ugly bitch.

People wanted to be in his good side and started bullying me!!

Wow followers these days.

They'll do anything to try to be popular.

Anything for their alpha.



So this is my new book and i hope y'all will love it!!!

But when i get enough readers i will let y'all choose what she does or what y'all want to happen.

See ya later my wolfies!!

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