CHAPTER 1:Flashbacks and Memories

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I woke up this morning feeling.....happy? Why am I happy I have no clue. I'm usually never happy in the mornings. It's the mornings who would be happy waking up from something so wonderful. All the morning brings you is a light full of bullshit. I feel my wolf coming and I let her.

Wow stupid, Drew is going to look for his mate today

And I should be happy because......

You will see.Now get up so you can go to school

Oh and I'm the weird one.

I have a feeling I knew why I would be happy but I didn't want to take it in. If I was suddenly happy for why I thought I'm happy for I would barf. Having a mate is something that ties you down. You no longer can do what you use to be able to do. That's not like me at all. I'm more of uh do it yourself kind of girl. I quickly made my way around the room trying to find where I put my schedule and locker combo. I knew I should have took a picture of them on my phone. Why do we have to even go to school? All our lives we will just stay in this small town under the rules of the Alpha. I shake my head. All wolves do is listen to their beloved Alpha like he was a king.

I knew that speaking this out loud could very much send me to the dungeon. It wasn't like I haven't been sent there before. People don't like my way of handling certain things which is something I'm perfectly fine with. They don't need to get their panties in a twist. Especially Alpha Matthews he looks down at me like I was a weak link. Even though I knew I kind of was but still he had no right to send me such looks my way.

I hurry down the stairs towards the front door. Teenagers were all around me talking about the big day. Girls were wearing clothing that made them look like they were trying to seem sexy. Nudging my brother on my way out to his car hoping he got the memo. Soon enough I will have my own and drive myself everywhere but school. It's not like any one would really care about my absence. I'm nothing but another wolf in their pack. Yet, if I was their Alpha hell would break loose for not being at an unimportant place. I sigh getting into my brother's car. My parents always told me that I could think of a million insane thoughts in a minute. My chest tightened at the thought.


When I walked into school everyone -ok not everyone- but all the girls were here trying to see who's gonna be drew's mate. At least that's what I was betting my money on. No one came into school this earlier unless something big was up. Of course the future new alpha is going to find his mate today which is so important to us wolves. I scoff at my own thoughts. Who would even believe me that I felt any emotion towards that statement. Why couldn't I just be a weak human.

On the other hand I just wanted to get this day over with! Cause it's Friday I mentally do a dance. As I went to my locker I smelled the most delicious smell making my mouth water. One word VANILLA.My only weakness I smile now I really want some, stupid smell made me hungry. Looking around the hallway all I could see were girls leaning against some lockers while others were in a line. I roll my eyes it was like they were in a Meet and Greet with some big huge celeb.

Go follow the smell dumbass

Hey no need to be bitchy about it gosh

If you went and followed the smell you can know where it's coming from

I'm going dang take a fucking chill pill.

Just go

I could just imagine my wolf balling up her fist. Honestly it didn't bother me much she just needs to keep her attitude in check. Looking down at the ground I smile at myself at the fond memory. It was when I first even met Rosie and she was so mad at me she made me pour chocolate on myself. In front of all the wolves in that small get together. It was truly embarrassing.

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