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"Jadeeeee jadeeee jadeeeeeeeeeee!"

"wh-let me sleep gosh no school so more sleep goodbye" I told who ever wants to wake me up and all of a sudden i felt cold water touch my body.

"im sorry but you have to wake up remember you have to clean the party mess because drew said you have to. Now whurry before he wakes up."

"ok ok ugh youu better help me will and wake up lily while you at. I know today is your lst day here" (remember will is william..jade's guy bestfriend"

"ok jay"

~3 hours later~

"phew"i said whiping off the fake sweat off my forehead. While i lay on wills lap and my legs on lily.

"better be glad we love you and we helped ypu" will said while playing with my hair. Then we heard a growl coming from the stairs.

"stop touching her! NOW!!"

We all stare at him and burt out laughing. He cares to much for someone who rejected his mte. Will stopped because drew was the soon to be alpha.

"umm drew get your wolf in chck because you rejected me so don't try to control me or even growl at any guy talking to me."

"that wasn't me! That ws my wolf,rene, like why would i care? I have jasmine."

Then we heard a big bed being moved back and forth. THen we hear moanin. EWWWW

"EWWWW so i went and grabbed a whistle that drew uses when we train. I went to the room that the noises seem to be getting louder and i have will,lily and drew following behind me and they are looking at me confused.

"shhh" i whisper and i open the door,close my eyes and walk in. I blow the whistle and i hear a scream. I open my eyes and see..

-A/N: i was gonna stop here but that would be mean-

"JASMINE!!!!!!!!!" i turn around and i see drew red as fuck! Karma is a bitch ladies and gentlemen.

"d-drew i can explain! I thought that oscar was you?" it came out like a question than a statment. Jasmine was loooking scared and oscar was changing while shaking in fear.

"ooooo queen slut is deadddddd" guess who said that? Guessed me than you ma'am or sir are correct. When i figured out what i said outloud i started walking out slowly....

"Jade get back in here" drew said while glaring at me. Like what did i do she was the one having sex with someother guy. I didn't argue i just went beside him and i felt safe with him near me. No i mean my wolf felt safe i feel safe with adam. I smile when i said adam like yea when we met he was a jerk but now he is sweet.

"hello earth to jade"

"yes drew?"

"im sorry" i pinched myself.

"sorry had to make sure this wasn't a dream bt may i ask for what?"

"you told me that this slut" he points at jasmine and she gasps. "was cheating on me with that asshole" he then points at oscar. "so im sorry for yelling at you."

"umm it's ok? May i go now because this a very disturbing scene"

"yea you can go" as i walk out the room drew slams the door and we can hear yeeliing coming from the room. Will,lil, and i walk back downstairs.

"awkward or nah"
"awkward" me and lil said at the same time.

We should go to the mall or beach.Before will leaves today hmm maybe beach because i am broke for the mall.

"guys let's go to the beach and i will invite adam."

"who is adam?"

Before i can say anything lil talks "adam is jade's future boyfrieend." she looks at me and winks. I blush and cover my eyes.

"no he isn't he is just a friend that i met 3 days ago" i say while walking to to my rroom and packing my stuff for the beach "who's driving? Remember drew has banned me from driving"


i was going to get some food so i went to my car my dad bought me after we got accepted to join the pack. So i turned on the car and i thought i was reversing but i was wrong....i crashed into the garage wall.
"jade jade jade you ok?" says a very worried lily

"omg jade are you fine?" says my twin brother
everyone else was laughing or staring at me with fear. I got out the car and i just waved at everyone. When i was about to walk inside i hear heavy footsteps behind me.

everyone pointed at me

"well well well if it isn't the bitch" he smirked "you bearly got here and already made a mess. Hmmm what should i do? Oh right you are banned of driving when you are near the packhouse. You may drive when i say you can ok?"

~flashback over~

"ok i willl drive" william said. I grabbed my phone and a towel.

"ok guys go get y'alls stuff and i will be outside." I walk outside and i call adam. After a couple of rings her answers.
"umm adam i was wondering if you would like to go to the beach with me and my friends?"
"yea sure when? umm today like now... but met us at the beach. You don't have to hide your ya know because the beach everyone goes there vampires,werewolves,faires and mermaids. No humans because the beach in the middle of a lot of terriotires(how ever you spell it) Only the super naturals know about the beach we are going maybe just follow us?"

"no i know what beach your taalking about i go there to chill since i moved here"

"ok well um see you there?"

"of course gorgeous"
He hangs up and i start blushing. Im ready for the beach now. I see will and lil walking out smiling at eachother. I stare at them confused.
"of course gorgeous" will mocks. Ohhhh they heard..i start blushing more.
"aww i see someone has a crushhhh." lily said while raising her eyebrows. I don't say anythin and i go sit in the backseat. I know lil and will are going out even if they try to hide it. Thing is it will be hard when william leaves today.
As we start heading to the beach and i drift off to sleep.

next chapter will be about the beach ^-^ i need a ship name for adam and jade. Also for william and lily. Hope this chapter wasn't really boring. ok bye!!!! lobe y'all.

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