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"ok boss she is tied up now we can have a little fun with her"

After i heard that everything went dark

Before i knew it i was in the house ripping people's heads off. I was beyond pissed after i heard. Everyone was trying to shoot me but i was to fast (*wink wink*) I grabbed the gun that the buff guy was holding and made it fly acroos the room. Clearly they forgot what demons are capable of. I kicked a guy at his throat and grabbed the guy that tried to stab me. I threw the knife and made him fly through the wall and i saw his head bust open. The thirst was distracting but i jade screaming was making me more pissed off.


I tried finding the room she was in but she has her eyes closed and that isn't helping me at all. I imagined her state right now and i appeared infront of her. When i did i cut one of the guys throat open and i threw the boss and he hit the staircase. I punched my claws in the guy on top of her and reached my hand to his heart and crashed it. I then took off his head and bite his ears off. I grabbed jade and i flashed myself to hell. I wan't going to let her go back to Earth if thats wants going to happen all the time.

"damon?" I looked down at her scared eyes and i kissed her forehead. I won't kiss her fully on less she wants me too. "where are we? Why do i hear people screaming??? Damon where did you take me?"

"to my hell"

"take me back! I do not want to be here!!! Take me back!"

"im sorry love but i can't right now i have to do a job real quick but stay here and don't move from the bed or make any sound. If you do and another demon comes in here that isn't me then just scream inside your head and i will come back quicker than you can blink."

I went out my hell house and went to the lab. The lab is where all the bad people go and i had to do a job. I grabbed the girl and i dtarted to rip her nails off one by one really slowly so she can feel the pain that the little boy felt when she made him have sex with her and sexually abused him. I then bit her skin and tore it off from her pale arm. I kept ignoring her pleads and i continued to eat her skin off. I grabbed her arm and broke it and i finally called tony to finish her off untill she was good enough to go with the other sprits roaming around hell.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH' I flashed into my house and i grabbed jade protectively. I finally looked around and saw....



I saw damon run into the woods even more and i told my pack to follow him. When we did we saw this small house and i ran inside. I looked around and everything was a mess, i saw dead bodies everywhere and the rouges that were injured boys took care of them. "save one so we can take them to the pack house and keep him prisoner. (sorry if i spelt it wrong)" I ran through a hallway and saw a staircase leading down. I walked down and saw two dead bodies. A guy against the wall dead and a guy with no head. I looked all around and i saw damon nor jade anywhere. I looked down and i sighed.

What...wait? There is blood on the stairs. I smell a power rouge maybe their alpha. I ran upstairs and i went back thegigantic scene ahead of me. "boys! Smell that?" they sniffed around and nodded "I want you all to track this scent and find out where the rest of the pack rouges went because i can't find jade nor the demon anywhere! got that? Now go! Stop staring at me people!!!!!!"

I walked out the house mad and i shifted to my wolf. 'ok rene let's go find rosie and jade'

'thats what i was planning to do even if you weren't now shutup and let me concertate on them'

Well that hurt....i didn't deserve that rudeness.

I let him lead the way and i just followed his directions. I reached a pond....

"jade where are you?"

'im in hell'

"what?" she said that like it was nothing. Like it was a causal thing to say.

"im in hell with damon, ahhhhh"

'jade whats wrong? JADE!!"
I kept calling her name but she didn't answer. I started to worry because i can't go save her why? Because how in the hell am i going to go to hell? GOod bless my that word.

I ran back to the pack house and i called my beta to come to my office. "come in blake."

"you called me alpha?"

"yes, do you by chance know a witch? or know where we can find one?"

"no im sorry alpha but i do know that the faires know where the witches are. Why?"

"just wondering because well.....jade is in hell with the demon dude."

"can she come back?"

"i don't know but i do know that i can go to hell for an hour and come back with her."

"i don't alpha drew.....remember werewolves can't get in hell no matter how much they try."

"i'll find a way blake don't underestimate me...espically if my mate is missing"

" rejected her remember? She really shouldn't even talk to you because i know if i was a girl and my mate rejected me. I would be balling my eyes and be super pissed at him and everyone else."

"thats you blake...not her."

I suddenly heard a crash outside.




Not long but i updated and i hoped y'all liked both of my cliffhangers. Ok bye wolfies. Remember y'al can make covers for my book and book trailers as long as you give yourself credict. Also if you want to tell me something/ your opinion then message me. I promise i will message back when im on.

Ok bye my wonderful readers.

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