Drew again

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A/N: so i decided that when i can't update a chapter i will do other POV'S for fun c: Here is drew again.


Today i woke up and found that jade's brother is sick. If they still have that weird twin thing were one gets sick then the other one does too well....then jade won't be at school. Makes this easier for me to kiss jasmine without my wolf worrying about jade seeing and getting hurt.

Like I even care if she feels hurt, ha she should be ashamed to disrespect me infron of my fucking friends! Makes me hate her even more.
*knock knock*
"Come in"
"Hey dude you and jasmine still going to the beach after school?"
"No shit dimwhit, I don't want to stay here all day and not do shit."
"Sorry drew damn no need for an attitude. That means someone is on their man period."
"What the fuck dude! I thought I said to never say that again!" I throw my pillow at him and he just started laughing. "Get out dude and let me get ready for the hell hole of a school"
"Swear you at like a girl sometimes" he says while walking out my room
"Swear you at like a girl sometimes" i mock him quietly. Ugh!
As i do my stuff which is taking a shower,brushing my teeth, and fixing my hair. I go and pick out my outfit for the day. I chose to wear my white skinny jeans and a "YOLO" black tee. Hey guys can wear skinnies to so no judging me.

I start walking downstairs when I hear someone puking ugh gross.
I go to the direction of the sound and found jade's brother puking in his bathroom toliet.
"Hey dude you ok?" Yea i might hate his sister but i like him. He's cool and funny. Not to mention he acts like me in some ways. He actually keeps a relationship while i'm the "fuck and breakup" guy.
"Yea drew just sick. I wonder if jade is to. I'll go check on her later when i'm done pu-" he doesn't even finish because he's puking again.
"Eww gross dude! I'm leaving before I puke" I walk out the room feeling like I was about to get sick.

"Hey baby" jasmine needs to fix her damn voice!
"What's wrong? I hope we can still go to the beach after school."she winks.
"Yea we are and nothing I just saw someone puking."
"Ewww gross!! Now let's go babe we don't wanna be late. The earlier we go the faster school ends."
"Okay" we start walking to the door. Damn it i need to it. We can stop at McDonalds for food.
Hope this day goes fast but I have a feeling that something intersting is going to happen later on.

hope that was good enough. Sorry for the late update.....i know it wasn't good but you get what you get. c:
Bye my wolfies!!!!

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