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A/N: I haven't updated for like 3 weeks so thank you for sticking with me. I changed my cover and I made it myself. The girl on the cover is Jade and the black and white effect makes it even cooler. The font looks good to so back on track. I saw someone comment that it looked like they were going to rape her, it got reported tho. I swear they their life reporting comments like nothing. Okay here is the new chapter that I think you all have been waiting for.

(that author's note was old but sorry for not updating I would have updated sooner but I had to finish this chapter. I barely started freshman campus whoah!!! OKAY ONWARD)


"Let's do this quick before anyone finds out what we are going to do to her" Nick smiles so wide that his dimples show.


The boys remember what they were told before they took of jade's pants. Damon got up and shielded her so the other boys wouldn't see even though he was late at that. He took off his shirt and cover her upper legs. 

Adam stayed at watch, listening carefully to make sure no one was coming. He killed off two scared enemies but enemies are enemies. They wanted to kill his girl and he wouldn't allow it. Ethan,decided to go back and fight. He said it was cool to fight in war with people knowing he can live or die. No one understood him but they let him. Reminding him to watch out and make sure no one is looking before walking back into the battle field. Nick, adam, pablo, and damon were going to stay with jade. The rest went back to fight little did they know that someone was watching them from behind a tree.

Damon could sense something but he just shakes it off. They are in the woods it could be a bird or something if it was anything else he can just smell them. Nick just keeps admiring Jade from where he sits beside her. He notices the way her black hair fits perfect with her image. He wanted to get to know her better than adam, damon, and drew but they stole all the attention from her. He just wants this over with so he can know is she gonna keep them all, keep him or will he get a chance to have another mate for himself. That's what they all want but they also want her to be happy on her own. They want her know that they just want her happy if its not with them then it's fine.

After 20 minutes no one knew if the fight was over or still going. No one knew if oscar,evan(or ethan, bad that I forgot what name I chose sorry I will edit this when Im done.) and jake were dead or alive. Time is all they had and time is all they knew. 

Damon growled "when is she suppose to wake up?" Adam turned around to face damon only to see damon glaring at Nick and softening his gaze when he looks at jade only to glare again to Nick. "She was suppose to wake up 5 minutes ago why hasn't she moved yet!"

"Damon we been through this she may wake up late because she let her demo control her body before even if she did get control back. Wait like 10 more minutes or less. She will probably wake up soon." Adam said while running his hand through his hair. If only he actually knew if she would wake up. They need her to, they want her to because what they did to her is going to be worth the long aching wait. 

Nick, damon and adam go in alert when they here something coming from the way to the battle field. They take stances in front of jade while telling pablo to try to see who is out there. 

"Are you kidding me! They can kill me oh wait haha they can't kill me if they can't see me." Pabo turns invisible to go check out the noise but to his surprise it's damon. He quickly runs back to the boys but damon is right there to. He goes back up to the other damon to see if his eyes were fooling him. It can't be.....two damons? Pablo goes back and he turns visible again. "Umm...there's another damon out there..."

"What!" The boys whisper-yell. They look at damon who is looking back at them. Clearly with confusion written over his face when his eyebrows start to knit together. They turn around to see the other damon with a smile on his face. 

"Don't know who to believe do you? Well I'm the real damon. I had to follow jade's scent to find her."

"That's a lie because we covered her scent we can't even smell her." Nick says slowly letting his fangs out.

"Oh poo you caught me. Well well well you thought you could take me away from jade? You thought she killed me? I knew you would have to be around here some where. It just took more time and effort to find her or will all of you. I know she had more mates then this. Oh wait did the others die?" The man while morfing into himself.

"Look here you really need to get your ass out of here before you do die." Adam hisses while stepping closer to the man.

"I don't think you want to do that, you see I may be the only enemy but I am stronger than you guys. Even more stronger since Jade is taking a nice little rest." The man smiles evilly while looking at every guy straight in the eye. Josh turns to Nick and whispers why hasn't jade woken up yet? I thought we did this right. Josh was freaking out since they didn't know how to exactly do th spell.

"Trust me on this no one but you is getting hurt" Everyone turns to stare at Jade.

(1023 words)

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