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~at the mall~

When we got in the mall we saw that it was full of old people and some teens. I hate when it's empty because if zombies attack i won't be able to push people to save myself.

"umm are you gonna push me into zombies?"

"no..wait did I say that out loud?"

"no..i just can read minds,"


"yes you said that out loud."

"don't have to be sarcastic with me. Li can we go to wet seal first?"

"but that's upstairs let's go to the stores down here first."

"nooooo it's my birthday so let's go upstairs,plus if zombies show up we will be safer."

"you and your zombies" she says while facem palming herself. I know she loves me i mean come on i'm pretty sure she would've left me hanging a long time ago when she found out i'm weird.

I giggle "but you love me" i smile and if your thinking...o-m-g she giggles. Yes i giggle ok i am not a bad bad ass like people think. I like being a little girly at points only with close friends tho.

As we walked upstairs i noticed a familiar brownish haired guy. (i am getting distracted by the friends...i put it on the side) ugh really adam. I swear i see him everywhere i go i am feeling stalked, Maybe i should be in that show stalked and yea.... ok imm act like i didn't see him.

"come no lily hurry up we don't have all day."

"j-jade hot guy at 2'o clock and he is looking at us." ooo a hot guy. As i turn my head i see.. adam smiling at us. Ughhhhh what is the number of the stalked show cause i am calling.

"i see a guy who is stalking me. Let's go to wet seal come on lily!!!"

"fine jade but if i see him again i am getting his number."

"i bet you 20 bucks that you will see him again today like in 20 minutes or less."

"deal,"we walked into the store and we walked to the wall full of punked edits of disney people."i like this ariel shirt i am going to wear it to the party now i have to find new shoes and pants."

"Ok i will buy dress because i wanna dress fancy tonight."

"hello girls"

"lily you owe me 20 bucks"i smirked ha i knew he was gonna show up and lily was giving me a glare while handing me 20 bucks.

"hello my name is lily and your name?"

"adam my name is adam"

"adam nice to see you again and mind if i sign up for the show stalked? You are gonna be the stalker."

"umm why will i be the stalker?"he smirked. I just wanna slap him ughh

"oh you know why don't play dumb you fucking blood sucker"i didn't mean to call him a blood sucker but he just makes me mad.

"woahhh so you are the on i'm smelling?

"yes and i know most werewolves hate us but we are not all bad. So i here about a party?"

"oh no you can't come,you will be killed and i don't want you to get killed." whoah hold up why would i care about him.

jade i think you have a wittle crush on a vampire

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