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I wake up with pain running all over my body and i flutter my eyes open trying to adjust with the morning light coming from my window. I hear things moving from outside i get up and walk slowly towards the window since i was sore all over. I look out and see adam and nick running around the side of the house im guessing their running laps but who in hell gets up early to run? Crazy guys but ooo i feel my mouth watering when i look at nick's back muscles flexing and can i say its breathtaking. I then look down at adam and i see him looking up at me while he was taking off his shirt. I gasp and start laughing it was like he was trying to seduce me bu ti wouldn't say it wasn't working. I shake my head and walk away from the window while grabbing my yoga outfit that they put in my drawers. I walk to the bathroom and turned on the water from the shower letting it warm up. I turn on the water from the sink and start to brush my teeth.

When i got done brushing my teeth i strip out of my clothes and step inside the shower. I walk inside the shower and i start washing my hair and body after 5 minutes i got out and started to dry my body so my clothes wouldn't stick onto me. After i put on my clothes i put my hair into a messy wet ponytail and then i walked out my room.

"AHHH!" I run inside my room and close the door while trying to get the image out of my head. I saw pablo naked like ahhh. I hear someone knocking on my door.

"jade sorry oh im so sorry but i saw a bug in my room and i wasn' t changed." I hear him sigh and mumble something under his breath but i couldn't even hear him even if i had vampire hearing i still couldn't hear him.

"wait pablo umm when your changed we can maybe talk?"

"yea okay" i hear walk off so i walk back out the room and head downstairs. Im so hungry i can pratically hear my stomach yelling for food. I grab some ceral and pour it in a bowl. Then i pour some milk and start eating my delicous fruity pebbles.


Oh god im out of breath! Olaf is making us run laps around the house and this house is huge.

"come on jade don't give up you can do it" I roll my eyes and look at adam.

"easy for you to say you actually work out while i just sit at home doing nothing but on my phone or laptop. I sigh and i feel him getting closer to me "ew" i giggle "no hugging you are sweaty adam' He comes closer to me and i start running away from him.

"i will catch you jade i am a vampire to you know?" I force my feet to faster and force my speed to go faster. I turn around only for a second maybe or maybe not causing me to bumo into adams' strong arms. I start laughing and i softly pound my fist into his chest.

"let go adam"

"never!" he then picks my up and and starts running causing me to bend over. I hit his butt trying to make him let go of me but he just chuckled. Then he stopped running and put me down.

I smiled and laughed "final-" i saw his face turned serious and i turned around and saw damon glaring at us. "umm so how's the weather?" i laugh nervously and start walking back nervously and slowly. Adam and damon both turn to me and i run. I run like i was going to meet one direction if i got far away from then.

"ohh jade you can run but you can't hide" i roll my eyes and laugh in my head. Watch my ass try. I find pablo and had behind him.

"hide me" i wishper in his ear. He chuckles but drags me inside the house and pulls me into the kitchen cabinet.

"who ever you are hiding from can't smell you here because im next you" He smiles and closes the cabinet. He starts humming and whistling because it doesn't seem weird at all. I hear damon and adam asking the boys if they saw me and of course them being them told them i was dragged in the house by pablo.

"aye pablo where did you drag jade to?" i hear nick say and i roll my eyes. What are they up to? I didn't do anything!

"ok training starts now again! Every one outside" I hear the vampire guardian say and i get out the cabinet. I walk outside feeling like a boss and i groan when i see everyone staring at me.

"what did i do? You are making it seem like i killed somebod-ok ignore that but what did i do?" They start walking slowly to me and i walk slowly back. "don't make me punch you all in the eyes and end up like the girl jasmine." I see drew and adam smirk but kept walking slowly to me. I turned into my bat and i flew. I flew my ass on top of the roof and turned back to human form. I started doing my happy dance when i heard feet hit the roof top. I look around and saw all of them on the roof. "ok im scared now"

They all start laughing and suddenly something wet hits my leg. I gasp and i look up and see them all smiling or smirking with water ballons in their hands. Okay how in the hell did they get water ballons. I start running towards evan and grab his ballon and throw it at damon for scaring the shit out of me and i run off the roof landing on my feet. Hey im a werwolf i got skill and i start running to the woods and hide behind the tree. I hear a noise behind me and i scream bloody murder but nobody came. "omg im sorry damon don't kill me with wa- Oh you are not damon" I say walking backwards.

"oh im not a lot of things jade, to think that they would plan a better place to hide you. Tsk tsk tsk im ashamed yet glad. Jade your dead."


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