Christmas Cookies (L Lawliet x Reader)

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When the steaming cups of hot chocolate were ready, you finished them off with whip cream and a candy cane for each cup. You handed L his cup which he eagerly took a sip of before following you over to the couch, taking a seat right next to you. The two of you silently sipped your chocolatey drinks, just enjoying each other's company.

You leaned against your boyfriend as you looked around the surroundings before you. The apartment you lived in with L was small, but it meant the world to you; it was something you shared with him. When the two of you first moved in, the plain walls made it so unwelcoming but during the short time you lived there with him, you turned it into something beautiful. Currently, every inch of the apartment was decorated in bright Christmas decorations to show off the Christmas spirit you had.

Despite L's disbelief in Santa Claus, he enjoyed the holiday and even the decorations you had all laid out. He loved decorating the tree with you and the two of you made it look stunning even though the candy cane decorations kept disappearing each day due to him.

The sound of the alarm chiming snapped you out of your thoughts, reminding you that you still had cookies in the oven.

"Stop eating the cookies, L! That's the third batch of cookies I've had to make tonight because of you," you said as you carefully moved the burning hot cookies onto the plate you would leave out.

"I don't see the logic in spending time to bake cookies if all you're going to do is keep them out for display overnight," he replied calmly as he munched on the cookie in his grasp.

"They're not for display, haven't you ever heard of leaving cookies and milk out for Santa?"

L ate the last piece of his cookie before scoffing. "You still believe in that childish notion? From my calculations, it's about a one percent chance that this silly Christmas tale is actually true- and that percentage is being generous."

"What makes it so unlikely?" you asked as you crossed your arms.

"Perhaps it's the part about flying reindeer. Or is it the thought that he has a never ending sack of presents?"

"Oh, come on. Can't you ever just put logic aside for a moment and just believe?"

"(Y/N), in my line of work, logic is everything," he told you as he wrapped his arms around you.

"Yeah, yeah. I know." You looked up at him as you pressed your body close against his. He gave you a quick kiss before his hand left your back, reaching for something behind you.

"But," you said as you quickly caught his hand, "Logic still doesn't change my mind about keeping cookies and milk out. You ate the last two batches of cookies, I think you're done for the night."

After cleaning up the kitchen and shutting everything off, you and L headed towards the room you shared and changed into pajamas. Both you and L were ready to fall right to sleep, eager for the excitement Christmas morning holds.


A loud thud from the living room woke you. You sleepily looked over to L's side of the bed ready to force him to go check what was in the living room, but he was missing. While half asleep, you fumbled out of bed and opened the door the bedroom, trying to quietly make your way down the hallway to the living room.

Your heart stopped when a man wearing a red and white suit, a matching hat, and black boots was standing in your living room with his back facing you. He was eating the cookies that you left out and took a big gulp of the milk that you left as well.

Very funny, L, you thought. Before you could say anything to the man before you, the door to the hallway bathroom creaked open to reveal your tired looking boyfriend. He looked up at you with curiosity before his gaze saw the man in the living room. You froze, finally realizing that there was a complete stranger dressed as Santa in your living room.

"So, only a one percent chance, huh?" you whispered to L.

L sighed. "Shall I call the police now?"

The man dressed as Santa suddenly turned around to reveal black stubble on his chin and bloodshot eyes.

"Yeah, definitely call the police."

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