Meant To Be (Tsundere!Shizuo x Reader)

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"You've got to be kidding me," Shizuo said before taking another puff from his cigarette.

His blue orbs moved to the side ever so slightly to get a better look at you. You self-consciously wrapped your arms around your body as his eyes looked you up and down before a scowl appeared on his face.

"You really think she's capable of protecting anyone?" he asked, turning his attention towards Tom.

As your mouth opened ready to snap back at this man before, Tom replied before you. "She may not share your physical strength, but she has great aim when it comes weapons."

"She's just gonna get killed. I hope you know what you're doing," Shizuo commented with an exasperated sigh.

"Don't worry about it so much. Trust me, she was meant to be with us."

Without wanting to let the subject continue to be discussed, Tom merely began to walk away. Shizuo flicked the remains of his cigarette onto the concrete and stepped on it before following after, leaving you standing where you were with your arms still tightly wrapped around yourself.

Both men walked at a leisurely pace making it so that it wasn't hard at all for you to catch up with them, but it still reminded you that you were out of place among them. Was it really such a great idea to accept this job? It wasn't exactly easy for a girl like you to get a job as a bodyguard. Despite your exceptional skills with handling weapons, most of the other employers didn't give you a second glance. Tom was actually giving you a chance. You only wished that Shizuo would do the same.

He never once glanced back at you to see if you were still following the two men. He merely continued his casual stroll with his arms crossed in front of his chest. You weren't exactly sure what about was so terrifying, but you couldn't help but notice how people purposely went out of their way to avoid him once spotted. What was so dangerous about him? Was he capable of miraculously glaring people to death?

One thing you did notice about the two men was that neither of them spoke. Not just to you, but they hardly mustered up any words between themselves. Even so, you couldn't complain. Feeling as excluded as you were already, them easily being able to converse amongst each other would've only succeeded in making you feel even more out of place.

After hours of standing back while Tom and Shizuo approached countless people to collect their owed debt, your new boss finally stopped in front of a shady-looking shop down an alleyway and turned back to face you and the blond-haired man.

"I'll only be a minute. You two can wait out here," he said before swinging open the rusty door and entering inside.

Shizuo leaned against the structure with his arms still crossed and his eyes grazing over the ground as if he was bored. Besides the faint sounds of bustling people and the honking of horns coming from the busy city streets, everything was quiet.

"Shouldn't we still go in with him?" you asked the man before you, hoping for a response.

To your surprise, he did, in fact, respond to you for once, but it wasn't at all what you were hoping for. "It's not your job to worry about that," he replied gruffly.

"Then what is my job then, since you seem to know so much about it?"

"He probably just has you so you can stand there and look pretty," he replied with a smirk on his face. Meanwhile, a scowl immediately appeared on yours. The more you spent with Shizuo was the more you began to dislike him.

"Look," you told him with your fists clenched in anger. "I don't know what I've done to earn your hate, but you better get over it. You need to accept the fact that I'm just as good of a bodyguard-"

Before you could get the last of your words out, you were suddenly slammed against the wall. Your hands were pinned above your head just as you were about to reach for your gun. A proud smirk was plastered widely across his face as he looked down at you.

"You're only capable of protecting anyone when you have access to your guns," he pointed out. "Now? You're completely helpless to me."

Jutting your chin out, you held your head up high and tried to keep your bottom lip from quivering. It wasn't that you feared that he would actually try to harm you, just the present situation you were in wasn't one you were fond of. Being as helpless as you were then wasn't something you ever looked forward to feeling, but under the current situation, you didn't mind it too much. For some odd reason, you didn't feel threatened at all.

"So what are you going to do now? Kill me? Get me fired?"

You couldn't help but squirm in his grip. The hold on your wrists had slackened but was still strong enough to keep you there and his body was pressed so closely against yours. The only space separating the two of you was between your faces.

"What fun would that be?" he answered.

Before you could ask him anything more, the small space between you and him ceased t exist. His lips suddenly pressed against yours to unleash a fiery kiss. Without hesitation, you quickly kissed him back. His strong hands released your own and moved downwards until they were placed firmly on your hips. Meanwhile, your arms wrapped tightly around his neck and your fingers knotted their way into his hair.

Shizuo's teeth softly hooked on your bottom lip before tugging on it, earning a faint moan from you. His lips began to leave a trail of fervent kisses across your jawline and down your neck. You couldn't help but tilt your head back and let out a soft gasp as he continued to pleasure you.

"Well, well, that didn't take long at all. I leave for five minutes and this is what I come back to," Tom commented with a chuckle, causing Shizuo to suddenly pull away from you. "I guess it really was meant to be."

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