♤Chapter 1♤

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Amy couldn't help but feel like she was being watched, but then again who would even spare her a glance. She sighed heavily, shaking her head of such thoughts. Men were not attracted to people like her, especially now with the way she looked. The lousy clothing put her at a big disadvantage.

She looked down to her large muddy hiking boots. They were two sizes bigger than her small size four. They belonged to her late sister Anabel. Anabel had been taller than her after all thus the bigger shoe size. She wore knee high socks to avoid being scratched by the shrubs and grass and big ranger shorts. Her long baggy pink shirt made her look the beggar downtown.

As she maneuvered the barely used trails of the rugged terrains, she prayed she wouldn't come across any hunters poaching the almost extinct wild boer. People were just shi... l mean sheep. Oops l almost slipped again.

She was headed to her usual hide out, a small dark and deep cave just above the vast lands. She found this cave one rainy day when she had lost track of time and was unable to climb down the slopes at night. She was moving around the mountain looking for shelter when she came across it. It had been infested with spiders and other crawling organisms but now because she customised until it looked almost habitable.

Today, she was here to check on the small baby wolves that were a few weeks old. Their mom had died to one of those stupid hunters. She found them when they were just a couple of days old, hungry and disoriented. But because she was a vetenarian she knew straightaway what to do. Currently, she had warm milk in a large flask and small lumps of meat to feed them.

She went in and found the pups playing around the make do house she had made for them. Luckily some of the food she had delivered two days back was still there even though it looked like they had stomped on it. Silly puppies. She grabbed all three of them placed them onto the rug to keep them warm.

"Are you beasties hungry?" she cooed at them as she fed them the milk.
"Do you want some of this yummy meat? It's a little tough for you but that is all I could get you," she scratched them on their small cute heads.

The puppies seemed to recognise her voice because immediately she moved closer, they wiggled their tiny tails and crawled towards her. She fed them as a new mother would take care of her new young one; petting, grooming and if she felt like she can handle the stench of urine, kissed them too.

She was going to take them home with her today as previously they had been too young to move and a bit unstable. Now they would receive the best care in her workplace with all the other animals. Maybe when they were older, they would be taken to a zoo for safe keeping. She quickly rolled them with the small blanket and packed into her backpack. It would be hard climbing down with wiggling pups on her pack but it was worth it.

She was walking towards the mouth of the cave when a warm hand wrapped itself around her waist.


"We've been waiting for you, darling," a smooth voice whispered by her ear.

Her warm skin felt real good against his skin. He had waited so long for this moment, right now it felt like a dream. Dave never wanted to lose such a treasure as the one he held in is hands.

"What's a lovely lady like you doing so far from home?" he asked trailing his hands down her full bottom.

"Are you here to see to those filthy puppies, love? I love how kind hearted you are, my dove."

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