♤Chapter 4♤

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OMG! The Menage is rated #750 in romance!🙌🙌😂😂😂 l have no idea how this came to be but thank you. I know it is way down there but it's better than anything l would've expected! And it now has over 6.7k views. Un-freaking believable! Thank you guys soooo much, you are just amazeballs! Do continue reading and voting for this trio please.

They finally freed her from the sandwich hug. She was both saddened and relieved to be removed from the overwhelming embrace. She dried her tears with the back of her hand, angry at herself for showing such weakness infront of her captures. That was not her plan, nope, crying was just out of question for the time being but finding a way to escape was what would get her out of this hell hole.

She finally got her chance to look around the bachelor dorm. It had a masculine touch through and through. The bright sun rays reflected inside the house, making a wonderful light towards the few paintings hanging on the walls. The room's shadows playing by the walls. She could barely make out the paintings on the wall. There were no nudes, which surprised her because if these men were capable of kidnapping a women because of lust they had to be perverted enough to have naked women paintings on the walls. Maybe they kept such revolting paintings in their rooms. Yeah, that's probably it.

The living room had a black marble floor, displayed with black couches. Even the curtains were black for goodness' sake. Typical males, she thought, was this the only colour available. She rolled her eyes. There were no flower vases or any decorative material to complement the spacious area. Instead there was a large Tv surrounded with huge hifi speakers on the stand that she could bet her monthly chocolate were used to watch football matches on guy's night out.

She strode to the table prepared for breakfast. On the corner of her eye a glistering object caught her sight. Bingo! Now's my chance, she thought as she pushed herself towards the knife. She hadn't even taken two steps when Steven beat her to it.

"Sweat pea, this will only hurt you more than us," he snickered at her. He raised it high above her reach amd looked at her deeply into her eyes. It troubled him that his beloved would want to escape so badly she was willing to kill them and injure herself through it too. He swept his head towards Dave, nodding at him. By then, fire sparked in her eyes and they shone with determination. Ohh, his spitfire was angry. How exciting!

Dave came from behind her, picked her up to place her carefully on her chair. He ignored her scratching and kicking. When she was seated, he dropped his mouth closer to her ear. "Don't ever think about doing that again Amy. You are very precious to me to ever hurt." He bit down on her pinna then dragged his tongue into her ear, "now sit quietly and eat your food before l find other ways to stop you."

Fear clamped down on her, her stomach turning. She took in a couple of calming breaths and repeated her mantra..... panic kills the gazelle not the lion! Panic kills the gazelle not lion! She felt her nerves calm down and the fast thumping of heart slowed down. She slowly opened her eyes and took in the mouth watering flavours around the room. "That smells fantastic."

"I know sweetpea. I cooked it specially for you."

Amy didn't even realise she had said that out loud until Steven's husky reply. He was glad she found his food so enticing she hadn't been able to hold back her compliments.

"You cooked it? Like from scratch?" Wonder filled her voice as she inhaled more of the delicious food. Nothing says a good morning like beacon and an egg, sunny side up.

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